
Whale Evolution Timeline by Colby Victor

By CVictor
  • 4000 BCE

    Mesonychilds: 65 million years ago

    Mesonychilds: 65 million years ago
    Mesonychilds were found in Pakistan around 55-67 million years ago. Mesonychilds lived on land. Their teeth and ear structure are similar to land animals. They were very strong and excellent hunters. Their tails were long like a tiger. Mesonychilds did not swim.
  • 3000 BCE

    Pakicetus: 55 million years ago

    Pakicetus: 55 million years ago
    Pakicetus were found in Pakistan around 55 million years ago/ 50 mya. They lived on land, fresh water, shallow sea and open ocean. Their skull, teeth and ear structure are most like whales or land animals for hearing and diving for fish They had very long tail and its 4 legs had bones.
  • 2900 BCE

    Ambulocetus: 50 million years ago

    Ambulocetus: 50 million years ago
    Ambulocetus were found in Pastian and 48-50 million years ago. They live on land, fresh water, swallow sea and open ocean. They swam in fresh and salt water but also spent time on land. It's skull, teeth and ear structure are most like whales on land animals for holding large prey under water and hearing vibrations. https://jodyneilson.wikispaces.com/Ambulocetus
  • 2800 BCE

    Dalanistes: 48 million years ago

    Dalanistes: 48 million years ago
    Dalanistes were found in India around 48 million years ago. It shares several characteristics of more primitive whales. They are aquatic carnivores which means they eat meat and live in water.
  • 2800 BCE

    Takracetus: 46 million years ago

    Takracetus: 46 million years ago
    Takracetus was a primitive cetacean. This creature was also found in Pakistan, India. He lived approximately 46 million years ago.This aquatic carnivore had a wide, flat head and big sharp teeth. http://www.prehistoric-wildlife.com/species/t/takracetus.htmlarp
  • 2600 BCE

    Rodhocetus: 47 million years ago

    Rodhocetus: 47 million years ago
    Rodhocetus was found in Pakistan and lived around 43-48 million years ago. It lived in shallow waters near the shores of central asia. It used its limbs and hands to swim. It had limbs like land animals and webbed toes for fins. It's skull is like an alligator and a short tail. It had large, pointed teeth to help catch fish. They look more like the modern day shark.https://jodyneilson.wikispaces.com/Rodhocetus
  • 2500 BCE

    Gaviocetus: 45 million years ago

    Gaviocetus: 45 million years ago
    The Gaviocetus is a primitive cetacean that was found in Pakistan and lived 45 million years ago. It was also an aquatic carnivore. It was named for its narrow rostrum and could move very fast. http://www.prehistoric-wildlife.com/species/g/gaviacetus.html
  • 1500 BCE

    Dorudon: 42 million years ago

    Dorudon: 42 million years ago
    This extinct ancient whale, Dorudon, known as the "Spear Toot", lived around 42 million years ago. It lived in the seashores of North America, Northern Africa, and the Pacific Ocean. He is about 16 feet long and weighs half of a ton. He eats fish and mollusks. He has distinctive teeth and nostrils on the top of his head. https://www.thoughtco.com/dorudon-spear-toothed-1093198
  • 1200 BCE

    Basilosaurus: 40 million years ago

    Basilosaurus: 40 million years ago
    Basilosarurus, known as "king lizard", lived in the late Eocene period approximately 40 million years ago. These carnivores were found in the United States, Egypt and Pakistan. They average 54 feet long and weighed 15 tons. They had very big jaws for an enormous bite. https://www.newdinosaurs.com/basilosaurus/
  • 900 BCE

    Mysticetes: 37 million years ago

    Mysticetes: 37 million years ago
    Mysticetes (Baleen whale) are large whales that have been around 37 million years. They are carnivores that do not use there teeth but takes big gulps. All mysticetes' have: baleen plates, which they use for feeding, two blowholes, a symmetrical skull, lower jawbones that are solid and do not join in the middle. The female are larger than males. These whales are widespread but prefer colder waters in the North and South Pole.
  • 900 BCE

    Odontocetes: 37 million years ago

    Odontocetes: 37 million years ago
    The Odontocetes (toothed whale) look more like the black and white whales we see today. It also includes dolphins and porpoises. The average size is 40 feet and 77,000 pounds. Apart from the large sperm whales, this group is generally comprised of the smaller whale species. They can be found in a variety of habitats including rivers