WH timeline

  • ratified 18th amendment put into place

    following several protests, the US constitution was ratified to put a nationwide ban on alcohol
  • illegal economics

    Several people started to smuggle alcohol and sell it. They would get imports from other countries as well
  • Jonny

    Johnny Torrio expanded his crime empire into Chicago and was the most famous gangster
  • coast interfieres

    The US coast guard had started to search ships that were further than the coast, making imports more costly. (I didn't get dates so I'm guessing to make it lay right)
  • moonshine

    people started using medical alcohol and turning it into bootleg booze, and illegal moonshine was in business
  • Al capone

    He was one of the most famous and richest gangsters of the time, with a wealth of 100 million
  • organized crime

    the bootlegging had lead to widespread organized crime that stuck around even after the repeal
  • bootlegging pt 2

    gangs would extent territory and make a trade with alcohol and made whole underground alcohol empires
  • crime

    this illegal network let to several levels of crime, like prostitution and drug trade
  • crash

    the stock market crash had increased the demand for liquor and Capone was investigated
  • crash

    the Wall street crash sparks the depression
  • bust

    the economy reaches the bottom after a 27% shrink
  • finance

    after Roosevelt is elected 2 billion is put in to prevent further financial failures
  • dust

    the dust bowls begin and ruin air quality due to the extreme dought
  • food riots

    people struggle for food so food riots break out and several people rob stores
  • banks

    the fourth largest banks in the US fails and crashes. 200 million dollars were lost
  • finance

    after Roosevelt's election he puts forth 2 billion to prevent further financial failures
  • bust

    the economy hits rock bottom after a 27% shrink
  • income tax

    Hover increased the top income tax to 63% to restore confidence
  • 100 days

    Roosevelt rapidly introduces 15 bills to jump start the economy again
  • Boynton vs. Virginia

    segregation at transportation facilities is unconstitutional
  • sit-in

    four students demanded to be served in a dinner and hundreds of people joined their cause and boycotted segregated lunch counters
  • together

    several black and white people had started a protest against segregated bus terminals
  • freedom riders

    their bus reached Alabama where a mob threw a bomb into their bus and made it out badly beaten
  • riders pt 2

    the freedom riders made it to Jackson and were arrested for trespassing in a whites only facility
  • Kennedy

    Interstate commerce commission issued regulations to prohibit segregation
  • March on Washington

    200,000 people of all races for a peaceful protest for job equality for everyone
  • I had a dreamm

    During the march on Washington Martin Luther King Jr. gave his famous I have a dream speech
  • civil rights act

    the civil rights act was signed into effect days before Kennedy assassination
  • bloody sunday

    there was a large protest that involved killing black civil rights activist Jimmie Jackson