Wcaty timeline

  • Luis Alejandro Salvador is born

    Today is the day that Luis Alejandro Salvador, who got second in the Boston Marathon and became Ross Howe's trainer, was born.
  • Ross Howe is born

    Today is the day that Ross Howe, future founder and CEO of Howe Pillow, is born.
  • Ross catches first goose

    Today, five year old Ross traps his first goose using a cardboard box, a stick and some bait.
  • Louie finishes his first marathon.

    Luis runs the Mexico City marathon with a time of 3:10:35. He finishes first for his age group.
  • Howe Pillow founded

    Today is the day that Ross Howe founded his beloved company, Howe Pillow.
  • Louie moves to Detroit, Michigan

    Today Louie moves from Guadalajara, Mexico to Detroit, Michigan so that he can become Ross Howe's personal trainer.
  • Louie places second in the Boston marathon with a time of 2:25:37

    Louie places second in Boston marathon with a time of 2:25:37.
  • Cruise planned on the King's Adventure.

    Ross surprises Louie with a fabulous cruise to celebrate his marathon success.
  • King's Adventure sinks.

    The King's Adventure (The Howe's personal yacht) sinks today on a cruise in the Pacific Ocean.
  • They find other intelligent life on the island.

    Louie, the first mate, and Ross find a tribe of islanders who look dangerous, so they keep their distance.
  • Island Natives attack

    After a few weeks of spying on the tribe members, they finally try to make contact with them. As they are walking towards them the indigenous people notice them and start to attack. First Mate is killed in ensuring havoc.
  • First escape attempt

    Louie and Ross find rowboat off the coast near the small village. The boat sinks because some of the primitive people shoot flaming arrows into the side of the boat. Boat burns and they have to swim to shore.
  • WW2 base and equipment discovered on the island.

    Ross and Louie discover an abandoned, but surprisingly intact WW2 base, and more importantly, a plane.
  • Plane reconstruction begins

    Reconstruction of the Japanese A6M Zero that Ross and Louie found begins. They use bits of older planes to start repairing it.
  • Escape plane crashes

    The escape plane that Louie and Ross are going to use to leave crashes a little after Louie gets out to sea on the test run, leaving Ross alone on the island.
  • Signal fires

    Ross has finally figured out how to make large signal fires by burning old mattresses stuffed with feathers. He sets one matteress on fire every night for two months.
  • Ross sees a ship

    After two months of signal fires, a fishing boat finally approaches the island and pixks up Ross.
  • Ross makes it to Hawaii

    The fishing boat returns to port in Hawaii and Ross is taken to the hospital. His family is contacted, and the newspapers all want to talk to him.
  • Ross Howe returns to Detroit.

    Ross finally escapes the island and returns home.
  • Therapy starts

    Today marks Ross's first day of counseling since he got back.