voting rights

  • Period: to


  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    This event is very important because slavery was a very bad thing in the past but thanks to this law being passesd it made this world a better place we now dont have slavery anymore.
  • 15th amendment

    15th amendment
    This event increased voteing rightss because afreican americans never had the right to vote but know that this law has passed letting and giving them the right to vote it has increased are voting rights.
  • laws to take voting rights from African-Americans

    laws to take voting rights from African-Americans
    This event is going to lead to other events because not letting afreican americans the right to vote is going to make them do something about it for example freedom of summer this whole thing was to give them the right to vote and now it is a big event in history.
  • Supreme court rules that literacey tests are constitutional

    Supreme court rules that literacey tests are constitutional
  • supreme court declares "grandfather clause" unconstitutonal

    supreme court declares "grandfather clause" unconstitutonal
    This event is going to lead to increased votiing rights because manby black people couldnt vote because there grandfaathers used to be slaves but now many can vote because this law was passed saying thats not ok.
  • 19th amendment

    19th amendment
    This event leads to increased voting rights because women wernt aloud to vote for a long time wich ment less votes through out but now that this law got passed letting women able to vote has increaed the rights to vote now more people can vote.
  • supreme court rules that poll taxes are constitutonal

    supreme court rules that poll taxes are constitutonal
  • 24th amendment

    24th amendment
    This event lead to incresed voting rights because pople didnt vote as much like they didnt get the right to vote because you had to pay and some people didnt have money for that so getting this law passed thats says we dont have to pay is givivng people a right to vote.
  • freedom summer

    freedom summer
    This is an important event because it gave african americans the right to vote because they protested about it and proved them wrong now they have the right to vote to this day.
  • voting rights act

    voting rights act