Violence in American Schools

  • Bath Consolidated Schoolhouse Bombing

    Bath Consolidated Schoolhouse Bombing
    Farmer Andrew Kehoe set off two explosions at the school, killing himself, 6 adults, and 38 children in Bath, Michigan.
    Kehoe filled his truck with dynamite and shrapnel, drove up to the school, and shot his truck with his rifle. Parents and community members had to retrieve the children and bodies from the school before total collapse of the structure.
    This is the first recorded incident of mass violence against a school.
  • Edgar Allen Poe Elementary Bombing

    Edgar Allen Poe Elementary Bombing
    Convict Paul Orgeron exploded a suitcase of dynamite on a school playground, killing himself, 2 adults and 3 children in Houston, Texas. Orgeron was angry that he couldn't enroll his 7-year-old son in the school because he lacked the paperwork. He arrived to the school, handed a teacher a note and detonated his homemade bomb. His son was one of the children killed. 18 other children were injured, 2 children lost limbs.
  • Murchison Junior High School Shooting

    Murchison Junior High School Shooting
    13-year-old John Christian shot and killed his English teacher Wilbur Grayson, during class in Austin, Texas.
    Christian came into the classroom with the rifle, shot Grayson in the head, chest and arm. Christian was the son of George Christian, press secretary to President Lyndon Johnson from 1967 to 1969.
    He spent 17 months in a psychiatric hospital before returning to high school in Dallas. This is the first recorded case of gun violence in a US school.
  • Columbine High School Massacre

    Columbine High School Massacre
    18-year-old Eric Harris and 17-year-old Dylan Klebold killed 12 fellow students and 1 teacher before committing suicide in the school library, in Littleton, Colorado.
    The boys recorded videos prior to the attack making references to what they were going to do and apologizing to their parents for it. Harris had threatened to kill a student a year prior and had written on the internet that he would like to kill people.

    Still remembered as one of the worst mass shootings in US history.
  • Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre

    Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre
    Adam Lanza killed 20 children, and 6 adults, before killing himself in Newtown, Connecticut.
    The principal had installed a new security system that required every visitor to ring the front entrance's doorbell for admittance. Lanza shot his way through the entrance. He proceeded to shoot the principal, councilor, and vice principal, then entered two classrooms and killed everyone inside each. The rampage lasted only 11 minutes.