Vanessa’s role play: Initiative vs Guilt

  • Vanessa’s role play: Initiative vs Guilt

    Vanessa’s role play:  Initiative vs Guilt
    At age 4, Vanessa entered preschool, excitedly involved as a role player, engaged with a dollhouse, and often struggled with not exclusively assuming the princess role. She is willing to share her dresses and dollhouse to alleviate guilt. In Erikson's third stage, characterized by initiative versus guilt, Vanessa's active participation in these activities fosters initiative development, particularly when encouraged to play freely, and embrace adventures.
  • Delore’s divorce: Intimacy vs. Isolation

    Delore’s divorce: Intimacy vs. Isolation
    At the age of 32, Delores found herself navigating the challenges of single motherhood after her divorce, responsible for two young children. She grappled with a struggle to trust men, despite encountering several potential partners. Delores found it challenging to form intimate relationships due to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem. In Erikson's stage six, Intimacy versus Isolation, her lack of love and self-worth contributed to her experiencing a sense of emotional isolation.
  • Kim, Return from Oncology appointment: Ego Integrity vs Despair

    Kim, Return from Oncology appointment: Ego Integrity vs Despair
    As Kim, aged 72, returned home from an oncology appointment. She retrieved her dust-covered photo album and carefully flipped through its pages. Kim's countenance displayed a panoramic array of emotions - happiness, satisfaction, and regrets intertwined. In Erikson's eighth stage, Ego integrity vs Despair, Kim often expresses her lack of fear towards death, attributing her peace to her faith in the Lord. Kim's sense of integrity remains a guiding force in her life.