Vanessa Harrison

  • Period: to

    Chapter 7 1789-1890

  • 1789- Citizens of Paris attacked and captured the Bastille.

    1789- Citizens of Paris attacked and captured the Bastille.
    The storming of of the Bastille was one of the first acts of the French Revolution. The French over threw their king and created a republican government.
  • 1790- The city's population had topped 33,000 and was growing rapidly.

    1790- The city's population had topped 33,000 and was growing rapidly.
    To many officials, this vibrant city reflected the potential future of the new nation. It was thus a fitting place for the capital.
  • 1791- Congress enacted the charter for the Bank of the United States

    1791- Congress enacted the charter for the Bank of the United States
    The country's first national bank. The bank played a important role in making the U.S. economy more stable.
  • 1792- Some 24 stockbrokers an agreement under a buttonwood tree on Wall Street.

    1792- Some 24 stockbrokers an agreement under a buttonwood tree on Wall Street.
    This agreement was the foundation for what later became the New York Stock Exchange. It cemented Wall Street's image as the economic hub of the United States
  • 1793- Washington presented his opinion to the congress.

    1793- Washington presented his opinion to the congress.
    The debate divided congress and Washington cabinet. Washington believed that the Neutrality Proclamation ( stated that the United States would not take sides with any European countries that were at war) was the safest for the long run, but not everyone agreed.
  • 1794- Native Americans fought Wayne's troops in the Battle of Fallen Timbers and were defeated.

    1794- Native Americans fought Wayne's troops in the Battle of Fallen Timbers and were defeated.
    The battle was named for an area where many trees had been destroyed by a tornado. Wayne's forces burned Indians' villages and fields. The strength of Indian forces in the religion was broken.
  • 1794- Several Native American groups led by Little Turtle attacked a supply train near the fort.

    1794- Several Native American groups led by Little Turtle attacked a supply train near the fort.
    Wayne and his men responded. They attacked Native American towns and burned crops. The British no longer aided the Native Americans after this defeat, and little turtle realized that he was outmatched. He urged his people to seek peace
  • 1795- Native American leaders signed the Treaty of Greenville.

    1795- Native American leaders signed the Treaty of Greenville.
    The treaty also guaranteed the safety of citizens there. In exchange, Native Americans received $20,000 worth of goods and an acknowledgment of their claim to the lands they still held.
  • 1796- Washington decided not to run for a third presidential term.

    1796- Washington decided not to run for a third presidential term.
    He wrote that he was "tired of public life" and "devoutly [strongly] wished for retirement." He also wanted to remind Americans that the people were the country's true leaders.
  • 1798- President Adams told congress that the peace-seeking mission had failed.

    1798- President Adams told congress that the peace-seeking mission had failed.
    He described the french terms, substituting the letters X, Y, and Z for the names of the french agents. upon hearing the disgraceful news, federalist in the congress called for was with France,