• Early years

    Early years
    Fyodor Ushakov was born into a small noble family in the village of Burnakovo in the Yaroslavl region. His parents were highly religious people. Young Fyodor learnt the basic values of life from his uncle, a monk. By 14 he was strong enough to hunt bears with the elders of the neighboring village.
  • Education

    At 16 Ushakov enrolled in the Naval College of St. Petersburg. He paid special attention to the subjects of arithmetic, navigation and history and was always at the top of his class.
  • Learning to be tough

    Learning to be tough
    Five years later, in 1765, Ushakov graduated with the rank of midshipman and immediately began serving in the Baltic Fleet . The waters of the Baltic Sea and the Arctic Ocean were very difficult to navigate and proved to be a real test for young Fyodor, who listened to the experienced officers and learned to survive under harsh conditions.
  • In the southern seas

    In the southern seas
    In 1768 the war between Russia and Turkey broke out on the Black Sea. That same year Ushakov was transferred to the Don Flotilla – serving first in the city of Taganrog on the neighboring Azov Sea, then as the captain of a small ship on the Black Sea, where he took part in combat operations for the first time. These experiences proved crucial to the development of Ushakov’s commanding skills. He analyzed the battles to work out his own strategy for mounting offensives.
  • Ushakov in Kherson

    Ushakov  in Kherson
    In 1783, Fyodor Ushakov as the commander of the 66-gun ship "St. Paul" was sent to Kherson. Soon after his arrival he had to take active measures to combat the epidemic of plague which broke out in the city. He placed the crew of his future ship in the desert, in tents. Sailors were broken up into cooperatives, aside from the tents was built a hospital and quarantine single tents; having created an isolated camp for healthy sailors, Ushakov managed to cope with the epidemic.
  • The battle near Ochakov

    The battle near Ochakov
    Ushakov’s vessel was at the very front of the line. It became his favorite pattern during future battles – and it always brought success. Thanks to Ushakov’s victories Russian infantry troops attacked Ochakov Fortress in July 1788. By 6 December the major fortress of the Turkish forces fell.
  • The crucial battle near Kerch

    The crucial battle near Kerch
    In March of 1790 Ushakov was promoted to the rank of Rear-Admiral –in charge of the entire Black Sea Navy. On 8 July 1790, near the Crimean city of Kerch, the crucial battle of the second Russo-Turkish War took place . On 12 July Ushakov returned to Sevastopol “with flying colours” and praise from the Russian Empress Catherine the Great.
  • The Mediterranean and beyond

    The Mediterranean and beyond
    In 1798 Ushakov led another prominent campaign – the battle against the French Navy at the island of Corfu. It is considered one of history’s most brilliantly fought naval battles. After that, Ushakov was promoted to the rank of full Admiral and continued his mission in Mediterranean – he assisted Field Marshal Aleksandr Suvorov in all ways possible. He even contributed to Suvorov’s legendary plan for crossing the Alps.
  • Charity work

    Charity work
    in January 1807, Fyodor resigned and settled in his estate in the village of Alekseevka, Temnikovsky district, Tambov province. Living modestly and in solitude, he donated large sums for charity. During the Patriotic War of 1812, Fyodor was elected by the nobility of the Tambov province chief of the national militia, but refused the post due to illness.
  • Eternal glory

    Eternal glory
    On 14 October 1817, talented naval commander, Admiral, who knew no defeat, Fyodor Ushakov died in his estate, and was buried in Synaxarium monastery founded by his grandfather near the town Temnikov. The name Ushakov was given to an island,a bay and a cape on the northern seas. In honor of him was also named coastal defense battleship "Admiral Ushakov". During the WWII, in 1944, the Medal of Ushakov and the Order of Ushakov, 1st and 2nd degree, were established.