US History Week 6

  • Advanced Technology In WWII p-c

    torpedoes was used to destroy submarines and ships from long distances, b/c bullets couldn't go far and do a lot of damage
    Bombing raids, were use to destroy anything In a certain area, such as factories that produce military equipment in WW2
    Wolf pack were German submarines that had mass-attack tactics against convoys. A group of ships, warships and submarines that attack a certain target all at once
  • Rationing

    Rationing is the controlled distribution of scarce resources and goods
    Rationing items were gasoline, tires, meat, butter and jellies
    people had to use 'rationing goods" which were issued to each family based on its size.
  • M1 semi automatic rifle and Radar

    M1-The design of the M1 allowed the Americans to fire more shots against their German and Japanese counterparts
    Radar-battle were won by the side that was first to spot enemy airplanes, ships, submarines, the radar helped see hundreds of miles away even at night
  • women In The Military

    WACS-wmens army corps
    -auxiliary unit
    -women were doing the office things and the men in the offices were shipped over seas to fight
    -the women did paperwork, supply food, telegrams,etc
    WAVES-women accepted for volunteer emergency service in the navy
    -at the end of wwII the women couldn't stay in the navy
  • Lend lease program

    gave the president the authority to sell lease lend, or otherwise dispose of any defense article" to any nation whose defense he considered critical to that of the U.S
    neutrality by claiming that loans were made in the interest of national defense; goods were not destroyed or lost in battle were to be returned or paid for
    it allowed the U.S
  • war bonds

    way to remove money from circulation as well as reduce inflation
    people buy bonds amd the gov. promised to return to them w/interest after 10yrs or more
    gov needs the $ to pay 4 war equipment
  • Period: to

    U.S office of War Information

    Responsibilities-control the content and imagery of war messages and make citizens aware of how they could help in the war effort
    activities-produced radio programs, newsreels asked citizens to contribute time and money, create products, consume resources, derate,, and stir up distract to lower enemy and population morals to promote surrender
  • Period: to

    victory corps

    The purpose of this student organization was to prepare high school students to aid in the war effort on homfionhines
    Both girls and boys from white and African American schools participated
    students practiced in a physical fitness programs and enroll in a war effort class
  • The Navajo Code Talkers

    -Navajo American Indians were recruited by the military to encode, transmit, and decode messages
    -the Navajo language was used to develop a code that was not broken by the enemy.
  • Executive Order 9066

    The document ordered the removal of president enemy from part of the west
    After bombing pearl harbor by the Japanese in 1941 Roosevelt came under increase pressure by military and politicals
  • Chester W

    was lending the U.S navy authorization on submarines
    He was the U.S last surviving officer who ranked as a fleet admiral
    Admiral Chester was appointed commander in chief of the U.S pacific fleet just after pearl harbor
    He commanded U.S forces at the battle of midway
    This battle halted the Japanese advance in the pacific
  • Island Hopping

    island hopping was effected the tide in favor of the allied powers because the kept pushing Japanese forces out of the islands, through the offensive against the island of Guadalcanal in the Solomon archipelago which had marked the beginning of "island hopping" fought between august 1942 and February 1943, eventually succeed in forcing japan to relinguish the island
  • isoroko Yamamato

    Japanese Marshal admiral and commander in chief of the combined fleet
    Played a vital role (executed the surprise attack)in pearl harbor which made japan Victories
  • Douglass MacAuthor

    -American 5 star general and field Marshall of the Philippines army
    -McAuthor was chief of staff during WWII
    -led the U.S army in "Island Hopping" in the southwest pacific compaign
  • Bernard Montgomery

    Senior British army officer in the African and European war (theater)
    commanded the British 8th Army and 21st army during the euro campaign
    was over all British Troops on june 6 1944 "D-day"
  • Erwin Rommel

    Germans most popular generals during WWII on "D-Day he discussed with other officers about surrendering. Due to his ties to the plot to over throw Hitler he was murdered
  • Omar Bradely

    -was a senior officer of the U.S army
    -He was in service in north America and Western Europe during wwii
    -He then became general of the 1st American army to land In France
  • D-Day

    Effected by the war tide for the allies positively because the battle foreshadowed the end of Hitler's dream of Nazi domination D-Day was the largest air,land, and sea operations undertaken. The landing included over 5,000 ships 11,000 airplanes, and over 150,000 service men by the end the allies had reached the seine river, paris was liberated and the Germans had been removed from northwestern France, effectively concluding the battle of Normandy.
  • Korematsu VS U.S.

    1944 was a land mark united states supreme court case concerning the constitutionality of executive order 9066, wich ordered Japanese Americans into internment camps during world war II regardless of citizenship
  • George C.Marshall

    Throughout the war, general George C.Marshall (1880-1959) acted as chief of staff and the "organizer of victory". He worked close with president Roosevelt to urge military preparedness before pearl harbor build up
  • Pearl Harbor

    The Japanese navy launched a surprise attack against the Americas killing over 2,400 Americans and militant personal
    Destroyed 18 ships and 32 airplanes
    Results famous day of infamy speech was a response to the attack
  • The U.S and European contries

    in the us the war