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Unit 7: The start of the Second Great Awakening 1824-1860

By Mnayeli
  • The Shakers movement in Manchester England of 1774

    The Shakers movement in Manchester England of 1774
    the Shakers were a group of people who believe in Christ second aperion. They also believe that to build a perfect utopian society you had to contribute to society by showing your love for God. The Shakers arrived in England in 1774 from the Quakers, later they moved to the north.
  • Significance of Shaker movement 1774

    The Shaker movement is important because these group of people's beliefs affected America in a very influential way. The Shakers wanted to create that utopian society so by eliminating anything that is bad America did the same to create a better community. Also the Shakers are a prominent key to the second Great Awakening and this group lifestyle was very influential as a whole. And America noticed their way of thinking and followed some as well.
  • The second Great Awakening of 1800

    The second Great Awakening of 1800
    This occurred in the United States because of the Protestant religious revivals. This movement began in 1790 but was noticed in the 1800s and many people began to join this movement even Baptist and Methodist congregations who led this movement. This movement began to shape America into a better country and effect moral movement such as prison reform, the temperance movement, and reasoning with slavery.
  • Significance of the second Great Awakening 1800

    the second Great Awakening is important because it led to the establishment establishment of reform movements to address inhumane doing things such as a temperance movement, and the Abolitionist movement. this Awakening led to people adopting new ways which can be considered human and right. People began to do the right thing hit this affected funny black woman and man and waits. Woman began to have more control and gain more respect as well as power.
  • The United States first railroad in 1827

    The United States first railroad in 1827
    The railroad was called the Baltimore and Ohio railroad and made transportation easier for the common people. This railroad was 30 miles long and had a steam engine and was in competition with other successful railroad systems.
  • Significance of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad of 1827

    The Baltimore and Ohio railroad is important because this was a change to the American people. The citizens had an opportunity in changing their lifestyles and being able to arrive somewhere at a much quicker rate. at this time. This would be considered as a fascinating thing because things run much smoother especially when it came down to jobs and economics. There is even a possibility that farmers could have increase their wealth just because of the transportation.
  • Significance of the Indian removal Act of 1830

    The Indian removal Act is important because many white men wanted the Native American tribes to become extinct, so I really kidding them it prevented this from happening. Also I left to the Indians being evicted from lands and Southeast to land in Oklahoma from the movement of trail of tears. This act led to the fate of the natives related many children, men and women were later slaughtered and protection of their Homeland.
  • The Indian removal Act of 1830

    The Indian removal Act of 1830
    this Act was signed by Andrew Jackson on May 28th, 1830 to negotiate with southern native tribes to emigrate West to the Mississippi River. this act gay federal government power to relocate Native Americans East when they wanted to.
  • Labor unions of Massachusetts in 1842

    Labor unions of Massachusetts in 1842
    in 1842 a case between the Commonwealth and hunt in Massachusetts the supreme judicial Court had to make a decision on labor unions. So chief justice Lemuel Shaw says that labor combinations were legally provided for legal organizations as long as it was used legally for their goals.
  • Significance of labor unions of Massachusetts in 1842

    This case was significant because it protected the common interest of workers which is important it also meant that these people were able to fight for wages, better working conditions and hours. These are important things that show how America is shifting towards democracy and the common people are needed for decision-making.
  • Seneca women's Rights Convention in 1848

    Seneca women's Rights Convention in 1848
    in Seneca falls the first woman's rights convention was held in July of 1848. We're hundreds of woman met to discuss the social civil and religious status of woman.
  • Significance of Senecas Women's Rights Convention 1848

    This convention is important because woman wanted to be giving more rights and woman began to speak up for themselves. these women wanted to be treated with more respect and equality. This shape the first signs of feminism and women fighting for suffrage. This prove that America was changing in so many ways. and it shows how many movements and acts let up to this primarily the SecondbGreat Awakening where everyone is suddenly enlightened and doing what God wanted.