Unit 7

  • First New England missionaries arrived in Hawaii

    First New England missionaries arrived in Hawaii
    This event is significant because it is the beginning American involvment in Hawaii.
    1840’s American State Department started warning other
    countries to keep hands off
    1887- treaty with natives government guaranteeing rights to naval-base, Pearl Harbor
    1990- Mckinley raised taxes on Hawaiian sugar, markets went sour
  • Alfred Thayer Mahan

    Alfred Thayer Mahan
    Helped stimulate naval race in 1890 with his book, The Influence of the Sea upon History, arguing that control of the sea was key to world dominance.
    More Americans joined the navy
    Lead to the American-building of isthmian canal between the Atlantic and Pacific
  • revolt lead by Queen Liliuokalani

    revolt lead by Queen Liliuokalani
    This event is significant because it shows Hawaiian resitance to American control.
    treaty of annexation rushed to washington
    rejected by Cleveland
  • Explosion of the Maine

    Explosion of the Maine
    This event is significant because it causes friction that leads to the Spanish- American War
    The Maine mysteriously explodes
    US blames Spain
  • Official declaration of war.

    Official declaration of war.
    This is the official beginningof the Spanish American War.
  • Mckinley sent war message to congress, urging intervention to free Cubans

     Mckinley sent war message to congress, urging intervention to free Cubans
    This event shows some of the reasons behind the Spanish- American War.
    Teller Amendment- After America overthrows Spanish misrule, Cuba would be granted its freedom.
  • George Dewey sent ships to Manila harbor .

     George Dewey sent ships to Manila harbor .
    Theodore Roosevelt cabled Dewey ordering the American
    This is a moajor battle of the Spansh American War.
    Asiatic Squadron at Hong Kong, descend upon Spain’s Philippines.
    appears to have destroyed enemy fleet
    appearance of German warships deepened tension
  • Americans finally capture Manilla.

     Americans finally capture Manilla.
    Major American victory of the Soanish American War
  • Fighting broke out at El Caney and Kettle Hill

     Fighting broke out at El Caney and Kettle Hill
    American victory in the Spanish American war.
    Roosevelt’s Rough Riders charged with support from two crack black regiments.
    suffered heavy casualties but ultimately won
  • Santiago surrendered to American forces

    Santiago surrendered to American forces
    This event shows the ending of the Spanish American War.
    Spanish fleet destroyed by American warships
  • Hawaiian become American citizens

    Hawaiian become American citizens
    Mckinley passed a joint resolution of annexation, granting
    This event is significant because it shows the granting of citizenships to Hawaiian residents that eventually leads to more territory fot the United States.
    Hawaiian residents American citizenship.
    worried Japan may try to take control while America was busy elsewhere.
    full territorial status granted in 1900
  • Spain signed an armistice.

    Spain signed an armistice.
    This event marks the offical end of the Spanish American War.
    Hasty preparations for descent of Puerto Rico before the war should end
    America met less resistance than in Cuba
    Spain satisfied its honor.
  • Secretary of state John Hay dispatched Chinese Open Door note

    Secretary of state John Hay dispatched Chinese Open Door note
    urged them to announce that in leaseholds or spheres of influence they would respect certain Chinese rights and the ideal of fair competition.
    1900-Hay announced that Open Door would embrace China’s territorial integrity
  • War erupted in the Philippines

    War erupted in the Philippines
    This event marks the beginning of the Phillippine- American War.
    Bitterness against American troops, under Emilio Aguinaldo, erupted into insurrection as the filipinos fought for their freedom.
  • Panama Canal route decided

    Panama Canal route decided
    shifted to Columbia which Panama was a restive part.
    rejected American offer of 10 mil and $250,000 a year for 6 mile wide zone across Panama
    1904- Canal building started
  • U.S. naval troops prevented Colombian troops from crossing the isthmus to quell the uprising

    U.S. naval troops prevented Colombian troops from crossing the isthmus to quell the uprising
    Siginificnt because it shows US control over the Canal.
    Bunau-Varilla, disturbed by the thought to losing the company’s 40 million, worked with revolutionists to incite a riot
  • Big stick became effective in the Caribbean

    Big stick became effective in the Caribbean
    United States took over management of tariff collection in the Dominican Republic
  • Shadow of big stick fell on Cuba

     Shadow of big stick fell on Cuba
    “Revolutionary disorders brought appeal from the Cuban president and “necessity being the mother of intervention” U.S. marines landed¨
  • Period: to

    Gentlemen’s agreement

    Gentlemen's Agreement with JapanTokyo agreed to stop the flow of laborers to the American mainland by withholding passports
  • Dollar Diplomacy

    Dollar Diplomacy
    Philander C. Knox proposed that a group of American and foreign bankers buy Manchurian railroads and then turn them over to China under a self- liquidating arrangement.
    Japan and Russia refused to be put out of dominant position.
  • Small party of American sailors was arrested in Mexico

    Small party of American sailors was arrested in Mexico
    This event marks the beginning of problems with Mexico.
    promptly released
    Mexico apologized
    Wilson ordered navy to seize the Mexican port of Vera Cruz
    determined to eliminate Huerta
    Withdrawn in January 1917
  • Assassination of the Archduke

    Assassination of the Archduke
    This is a significant event because it plays a major role in the causes of World War 1.
    Franz Ferdinand was assassinated.
  • Huerta collapsed

    Huerta collapsed
    Huerta collapsed form internal and external pressures. Wilson succeeded.
  • German sinking of British passenger liner Lusitania

    German sinking of British passenger liner Lusitania
    This event is significant because it gives a reason for American to get involved in World War 1, however they did not immediatley result to fighting.
    1198 lives lost including 128 Americans.
  • America enters WW1

    America enters WW1
    This event is significant because it is when America officially got involved in fighting World War 1.
    Wilson declares war against Germany.
  • Selective service act

    Selective service act
    This is an important event because it shows how America raised an army for World War 1.
    Men ages 21-30 had to register for the military.
  • Geramny's continues unrestrited warfare

    Geramny's continues unrestrited warfare
    This event is important because it provides another reason for American involvment in World War 1.
    Germany announces that they will continue unrestricted warfare and sink ships without warning.
  • End of World War 1

    End of World War 1
    This event is important because it marks the end of the first world war.
  • Period: to

    Red Scare

    Red Scare imageThis event marks the fear of of the spread of Communism.
    The fear of the potential rise of communism
    resulted in nation-wide crusade of communist
    Fear of Russia
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    This is an important event because it ends the war between Germany and the Allied powers.
    One of the treaties signed at the end of World War 1
  • Nine Power Treaty

    Nine Power Treaty
    formally incorporated the principles that that helped spare China from partition during troubled years
  • Philippines finally granted their freedom

    Philippines finally granted their freedom
    The Phillippines finally granted freedom, the development of important economic ties.
    In the meantime many Filipinos immigrated to America
    important economic ties developed
  • Alaska becomes a state

    Alaska becomes a state
    This event is significant because it addition of the 49th state to the union.
    March 13, 1968- oil discovered in Alaska