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Unit 10: The Gilden Age 1869-1877

By Mnayeli
  • The Significance of the Black Codes of 1865 to 1866

    The Black Codes are significant because it was laws created. in favor of white people typically Rich white. These codes gave that sense of restriction for African Americans like before reconstruction. The southerners were now being beginning to slowly take back their power to oppress African Americans any way possible
  • The Black Codes 1865 to 1866

     The Black Codes 1865 to 1866
    The Black Codes were set of laws passed by Southern States after the American Civil War. This was made so African Americans freedom and rights were limited and repressed. This gave African-Americans low-wage jobs and unable to have that social Mobility as intended to.
  • The Reconstruction Act of 1867

    The Reconstruction Act of 1867
    Was military-related which was divided the South into five military districts. It also allowed for the re-addmission of the South to the United States Union
  • The significance of the Reconstruction Act

    This act began to reconstruct the South entirely from the government or federal laws. This was the start of free slaves becoming equals with voting rights. This caused a lot of disruption with white slave Owners as they fear this occurrence.
  • The 14th Amendment of 1868

    The 14th Amendment of 1868
    The 14th Amendment states that if we're good States from denying any person, life, liberty or property without the due process of law or to deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
  • The Significance of the 14th Amendment

    This amendment was ratified in 1868, in which citizenship was granted to all individuals born and natural or naturalized in the United States including free slaves. The 14th amendment was also able to protect the loss of the blacks which could have been taken away by a former slave owners by creating this it created the shoe of the round Black rights.
  • The 15th Amendment 1870

    The 15th Amendment 1870
    The 15th amendment was able to enhance the voting rights of African-Americans in which they did not have previously. This was done by declaring the rights of the African Americans which could not be denied.
  • The Significance of the 15th Amendment

    This is a very significant Amendment due to the fact that Africans were given suffrage and now able to participate in political campaigns. Also They were able to choose politicians who directly represent them to fully protect their rights.
  • Civil Rights Act of 1875

    Civil Rights Act of 1875
    the Civil Rights Act of 1875 was created to ban discrimination in public transformation and accommodations. It stated that there will be equal access to All American schools, churches and even shops. This Act also did not allow the exclusion of African American citizens from the state / federal courts.
  • The Significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1875

    The Civil Rights Act is important because it was formed during the Reconstruction Era, and responded to the rights the night of African Americans. This act was somewhat able to protect the African Americans to be treated equally and be given legal rights.
  • Compromise of 1877

    Compromise of 1877
    The Compromise of 1877 made Florida, South Carolina and Louisiana Democratic State's again which was the end of the Reconstruction Era. This compromise guaranteed that Ruther B. Hayes would become the next president why the Democratic would regain political power in the southern state governments.
  • the significance of the Compromise of 1877

    This compromise is significant because it was an informal deal that settled the dispute of the 1875 presidential election. And this end of the Reconstruction Era while the United States federal government has taken out the last troops in the South. Also this is the mark of the South and regaining its power from free African Americans. The South leader had taken those right away resulting in the oppression of blacks previously seen through history.