Unit 10

  • President Roosevelt dies.

    President Roosevelt dies suddenly. President Harry Truman takes over the presidency.
  • The First Atomic Bomb

    The first atomic bomb, the Trinity Test, is exploded at Alamogordo, New Mexico, after its production at Los Alamos.
  • Second Bomb Dropped

    President Truman gives the go-ahead for the atomic bomb to be dropped on Hiroshima.
  • Workers strike

    Four hundred thousand mine workers begin to strike, with other industries following their lead.
  • The NBA is founded.

    The National Basketball Association is founded.
  • Philippines is free

    The Philippines is given their independence by the U.S. This ends four hundred and twenty-five years of dominance by the west.
  • The Truman Doctrine

    The Truman Doctrine is announced to the U.S. Congress. It granted $400 million in aid to Greece and Turkey to battle communism.
  • The Soviets protect Berlin

    The Soviet Union begins its land blockage of Berlin. This began the air raids.
  • U.S. leaves Korea

    The United States withdraws its troops from Korea
  • Korean War Begins

    The Korean War begins its three year conflict when troops of North Korea invaded South Korea.