Dakota’s Unit 1 Tiimeline

  • German Unification

    German Unification
    This event was completed under the leadership of Otto von Bismarck and involved the consolidation of the German Empire. It reshaped the political landscape of Europe. This made Germany an official major power and contributed to the rise of nationalism and militarism in the region. This eventually lead to the outbreak of WWl.
  • Berlin West Africa Conference

    Berlin West Africa Conference
    This event occurred in 1885. European powers set rules for dividing Africa among themselves for colonization. Due to them selfishly dividing Africa without the consideration of its people, it lead to exploitation and conflict.
    So What, Who Cares: The Berlin Conference symbolizes imperialism’s impact on international relations by legitimizing European colonization, shaping power dynamics, and creating tensions between colonizing nations, affecting global stability.
  • First Sino-Japanese War (1894-95)

    First Sino-Japanese War (1894-95)
    This event happened because Japan sought to establish control over Korea in order to secure its own economic and strategic interests, while China sought to maintain its own influence over the peninsula. Japan defeated China and became a major power. It also gained control over Taiwan and parts of China.
    So What, Who Cares: Japan’s domination over China highlights how imperial expansion reshapes international relations leading to increased conflict in the region.
  • Spanish-American War

    Spanish-American War
    The main cause of this event was Cuba's struggle for independence and the sinking of the USS Maine on 15 February 1898. It was also due to the mysterious explosions which killed over 250 American crew members. The US defeated Spain and gained control of territories like Cuba and the Philippines.
    So What, Who Cares: It demonstrates how imperialism pushes nations into global prominence and changes the balance of power in places such as the Caribbean and the Pacific Ocean.
  • Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)

    Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905)
    This event was caused by the conflict between Russia and Japan over the control of Manchuria and Korea. Japan was the first Asian nation to defeat an European power. They gained territories like Korea and recognition as a world power.
    So What, Who Cares: This war shows Japan’s rise as a global power through imperialism, impacting international relations by shifting perceptions of Asian strength and influencing diplomatic alliances and strategies among major powers.
  • Entente Cordiale

    Entente Cordiale
    The Entente Cordiale was the culmination of the policy of Théophile Delcassé, Britain and France signed an agreement resolving colonial disputes and forming a closer alliance. It was the start of the Triple Entente, a major alliance system in World War I.
    So What, Who Cares: The Entente Cordiale demonstrates how imperial rivalries shape international relations, leading to alliances that escalate conflicts like World War I. This also explains the impact of imperialism on global politics.
  • First Moroccan Crisis

    First Moroccan Crisis
    This event was sparked by Kaiser Wilhelm II's visit to Morocco in 1905. This challenged France control over Morocco, leading to a diplomatic tensions. The rising tensions were among European powers, highlighting completion for territories.
    So What, Sho Cares: The First Moroccan Crisis emphasizes how expanding empires create diplomatic strains, impacting global relationships by causing conflicts that reshape worldwide alliances and power balances.
  • Panama Canal Completion

    Panama Canal Completion
    Theodore Roosevelt, negotiated the Hay–Bunau-Varilla Treaty, giving the U.S. control of the Canal Zone. They began building the Panama Canal in 1904 and didn’t finish until 1914. It was opened to provide a shortcut for global maritime trade.
    So What, Who Cares: The completion of the Panama Canal shows how the world’s connectivity influences global trade and security.
  • World War l (1914-1918)

    World War l (1914-1918)
    WWI was a global conflict which involved many great powers, divided into two coalitions. The two sides were the “Allies” and “central powers”. The war was caused by political tensions, militarism, imperialism, and nationalism.
    So What, Who Cares: World War I highlights the consequences of imperialism, nationalism, and militarism on international relations, leading to profound geopolitical changes and setting the stage for future conflicts.
  • Wilson’s 14 Points Proposed

    Wilson’s 14 Points Proposed
    President Woodrow Wilson outlined a plan for post-war peace. This emphasized principles like self-determination and international cooperation. This proposal also influenced the Treaty of Versailles and post-war diplomatic efforts.
    So What, Who Cares: Wilson’s 14 Points showcase efforts to address the aftermath of imperialism and war, which highlights diplomacy and cooperation to prevent future conflicts and promote global stability.