U.S History timeline

  • Civil Rights Movements

    Civil Rights Movements
  • Jimmy Carter became president

    Jimmy Carter became president
  • Ronald Reagan is President

    Ronald Reagan is President
  • Internet is invented

    Internet is invented
  • Challenger space shuttle explosion

    Challenger space shuttle explosion
  • Al-Qaeda

  • George H.W Bush became President

    George H.W Bush became President
  • East and West Germany reunites as Germany

    East and West Germany reunites as Germany
  • The Cold War Ends

    The Cold War Ends
    The cold war finally ends and the soviet union changes there name back to Russia
  • Bill Clinton Becomes President

    Bill Clinton Becomes President
  • World Trade Center bombing

    World Trade Center bombing
  • The Uprising of Isis

    The Uprising of Isis
  • George W. Bush is President

    George W. Bush is President
  • The Beginning of the Afghanistan War

    The Beginning of the Afghanistan War
  • 911 Bombing

    911 Bombing
  • the beginning of the Iraq war

    the beginning of the Iraq war
  • Saddam Hussein is captured by USA

    Saddam Hussein is captured by USA
  • Hurricane Katrina

    Hurricane Katrina
  • Barack Obama Became President

    Barack Obama Became President
  • Obama Care becomes a law

    Obama Care becomes a law
  • Osama bin Laden is killed

    Osama bin Laden is killed
    Osama bin Laden officially gets killed by the US Special Forces
  • Boston Marathon Bombing

    Boston Marathon Bombing
    Two Brothers were the cause for the Boston Marathon Bombing
  • Gay Marriage is officially legal in the USA

    Gay Marriage is officially legal in the USA
    They make the law of gay marriage Legal
  • Russia getting involved with the 2016 election

    Russia getting involved with the 2016 election
  • A Cheeto Became President

    A Cheeto Became President