World Wide History

  • 21st Amendment, end prohibition

    21st Amendment, end prohibition
    The Twenty-first Amendment to the United States Constitution repealed to the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which had mandated nationwide Prohibition on alcohol on January 17, 1920. The Twenty-first Amendment was ratified on December 5, 1933. It's important because the 21st Amendment ended prohibition.
  • Federal Housing Administration

    Federal Housing Administration
    The Federal Housing Administration, generally known as "FHA", provides mortgage insurance on loans made by FHA approved lenders throughout the United States and it's territories. FHa insures mortgages on single family and multifamily homes including manufactured homes and hospitals. It is the largest insurer of mortgages in the world, insuring over 34 million properties since its inception in 1934. I chose this topic because, without this we wouldn't be able to get mortgage insurance on loans.
  • Social Secruity Act

    Social Secruity Act
    The Social Secruity Act established a system of old age benefits workers, benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind, and the physically handicapped. The act created a uniquely American solution to the problem of old age pensions. Unlike many Europen nations, US social security insurance was supported from contributions in the form of taxes on individuals wages. I know people that get social security, till this day.
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Italy invades Ethiopia
    The aim of invading Ethiopia was to boost Italian national prestige, which was wounded by Ethiopia's defeat of Italian forces at the battle of Adowa in the nineteenth century which saved Ethiopia from Italian colonization. Another justification for the attack was an incident during December 1934, between Italian and Abyssinian troops. The Italians won the battle. Ben Mussolini had adopted Hitler's plans to expand German territories by acquiring German territories. Mussolini did the same thing.
  • Alien Registration Act

    Alien Registration Act
    The Alien Registration Act (also known as the Smith Act) was passed by congress on June 29th 1940. The act made it illegal for anyone in the United States to abdvocate, abet, or teach the desirability of overthrowing the government. The law also required all alien residents in the United States over 14 years of age to file a comprehensive statement of their personal and occupational status and a record of their political beliefs. This helped the government not get overthrown.
  • Wansee Conference

    Wansee Conference
    On January 20, 1942, 15 high ranking Nazi Party and German government officials gathered at a villa in the Berlin suburb of Wannsee to discuss and coordinate the implementation of what they called the "Final Solution of the Jewish question." I chose this because The Wansee Conference was a high level meeting.
  • Deportation of Dutch Jews

    Deportation of Dutch Jews
    German authorities begin the deportation of Dutch Jews from the Westerbork, Amersfoort, and Vught camps in the Netherlands to killing centers and concentration camps in Germany and Germans occupied Poland. By September 3, 1944, around 100 trains have carried more than 100,000 people to Auschwitz, Sobibor, and etc. I chose this because it shows how Jews were treated.
  • Danish Jews Escape

    Danish Jews Escape
    From September 20 into October 1943, approximately 7,200 Danish Jews escape to Sweden with the help of the Danish resistance movement and many individual Danish citizens. Resistance workers and sympathizers initially helped Jews move into hiding places throughout the country and from there to the coast. I chose this because, it shows how Danish Jews escaped to Sweden.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    World War ll in the Pacific theater ended with the Japanese surrender on September 2, 1945. The surrender was signed in Tokyo Bay aboard the American battleship USS Missouri. Foreign Minister Shigemitsu headed the Japanese delegation. General Douglas Macarthur accepted the surrender on behalf of the allies. I chose this because, Japan surrenders and I don't like Japan .
  • The Nazi Plan

    The Nazi Plan
    The compilers used only german source material, including official newsreels. It was put together for the U.S. counsel for the prosecution of axis criminality and the U.S. office of the chief counsel for war crimes. It's important because the Nazi's had a plan.