
U.S History 1600-1700

  • Founding of Jamestown

    In 1607, Jamestown became the first permanent English settlement in America.
  • House of Burgesses

    The House of Burgesses was the first representative assembly in America. They met for the first time in Virginia in 1619, and arranged the first slaves to be brought over to Jamestown.
  • Plymouth Colony and Mayflower Compact

    The Plymouth Colony was established by Pilgrims and is located in Massachusetts. A group of men, arrived on a ship called The Mayflower. They all signed the Mayflower Compact, which structured the basis of their economy.
  • James I

    James I revokes Virginia's charter and makes them a royal colony.
  • New Amsterdam

    Peter Minuit arrived in New Netherland, later bought Manhattan, and named it New Amsterdam.
  • Petition of Right

    Petition of Right
    Parliament passed the Petition of Right which resumed no tax unless from Parliament, no soldiers would be quartered in homes, and no arbitrary arrests or imprisonment. King Charles I was in charge at this point in time.
  • The Founding of Pennsylvania

    The Founding of Pennsylvania
    In 1630, William Penn founded Pennsylvania. He formed a religiously tolerant colony and wanted houses to be built along the river and separated. He also wanted peace with the Indians.
  • The First Proprietary Colony

    The First Proprietary Colony
    Cecilius Calvert, the second lord Baltimore, founded Maryland, making it the first proprietary colony.
  • Anne Hutchinson

    Anne Hutchinson
    Hutchinson and several others were tried by the Massachusetts General Court and banished from the colony.
  • Eighty Years War

    Eighty Years War
    In the 1500s, the Catholics and Catholicism had a hold on union and they retaliated. This war went on from 1568 to 1648.
  • Population

    Colonial Population is at an estimate of 50,400 people.
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    During this time, English goods had to be shipped by Englishmen's ships, all foreign goods for the colonies had to be shipped by Britain so that they could tax them, and some products were shipped elsewhere after their first stop at England.
  • New Amsterdam becomes New York

    The English came to the colony of New Amsterdam to seize it, and rename the colony New York.
  • King Phillip's War

    King Phillip's War
    This war began because Metacon was trying to keep his land from the English, however, in 1675 all of the people banded together, excluding Rhode Island, and fought. The English won, and Metacon was killed.
  • Two Treatises of Government

    Two Treatises of Government
    These treatises were written by Locke. They helped usher freedom, universal rights, and equality instead of feudalism.