
U.S. Government Timeline-KS

  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta is a document guaranteeing English political liberties that was drafted at Runnymede, a meadow by the River Thames, and signed by King John on June 15, 1215, under pressure from his rebellious barons.
  • Jamestown House of

    Jamestown House of
    The House of Burgesses was the first democratically-elected legislative body in the British American colonies. About 140 years later, when Washington was elected, the electorate was made up of male landholders.
  • Petition of Right

    Petition of Right
    An English constitutional document setting out specific individual protections against the state, reportedly of equal value to Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights 1689.
  • Colonial Settlement

    England sought to emulate other European powers by establishing colonies in the New World. The goal of the colonists and their supporters was to increase England's territorial hegemony and to enrich themselves.
  • First Continental Congress

    First Continental Congress
    A group of delegates from all of the 13 colonies (except Georgia) met in Philadelphia to discuss the situation with England and decide how to react. They sent a Declaration of Rights to King George III in which they protested the unfair laws that had been imposed upon them.
  • Revolutionary War

    Revolutionary War
    A war fought mainly between England and the American colonies. The war began at Lexington and Concord after Britain again and again refused to listen to the colonists' protests against the strict policies that were pressed upon them
  • Second Continental Congress

    The Second Continental Congress was a meeting of delegates from the Thirteen Colonies in America that united in the American Revolutionary War
  • Declaration of Independence

    This declaration announced the independence of America from Britain about a year after the Revolutionary War began. After this document was signed, the United States of America became an official nation of independent states.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The first governmental structure of the United States. Work on this document was begun immediately after the Declaration of Independence but it was not ratified on March 1, 1781.
  • Constitution of the United States

    Constitution of the United States
    The Constitution of the United States is the supreme law of the United States of America. This founding document, originally comprising seven articles, delineates the national frame of government. Wikipedia
  • Constitutional Convention

    met to address and solve the problems that were present in the Articles of Confederation.
  • Ratification of the Consitution

    39 ut of 41 delegates of the Constitutional Convention signed our modern constitution into law.
  • Dual Federalism

    Dual Federalism
    Both state and national governments were equal authorities operating within their own spheres of influence
    Strict reading
    National government only had powers listed in Constitution
    (Enumerated Powers)
  • Bill of Rights

    Bill of Rights
    The Bill of Rights is the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution. ... It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the individual—like freedom of speech, press, and religion. It sets rules for due process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government to the people or the States.
  • 1st Amendment

    The amendment was adopted in 1791 along with nine other amendments that make up the Bill of Rights—a written document protecting civil liberties under U.S. law. The meaning of the First Amendment has been the subject of continuing interpretation and dispute over the years.
  • 3rd Amendment

    3rd Amendment
    Quartering of Soldiers
  • 4th Amendment

    Search and Seizure
  • 7th Amendment

    7th Amendment
    Jury Trial
  • 8th Amendment

    Protections against Excessive Bail, Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  • 9th Amendment

    Non-Enumerated Rights
  • 10th Amendment

    10th Amendment
    Rights Reserved to States
  • 2nd Amendment

    right to bear arms
  • 5th Amendment

    Grand Jury, Double Jeopardy, Self-Incrimination, Due Process
  • 6th Amendment

    Rights of Accused in Criminal Prosecutions: Rights to Jury Trial, to Confront Opposing Witnesses and to Counsel
  • 11th Amendment

    11th Amendment
    Suits Against a State
  • 12th Amendment

    Election of President and Vice-President
  • National Expansion and Reform

    National Expansion and Reform
    Overview During this period, the small republic founded by George Washington's generation became the world's largest democracy. Pre-Civil War African-American Slavery African Americans had been enslaved in what became the United States since early in the 17th century.
  • McCulloch v. Maryland

    Maryland taxed the national bank
    Court ruled bank was necessary and proper
    Maryland couldn’t tax bank b/c it could weaken the national government
    "The power to tax is the power to destroy."
  • Morrill Act

    Morrill Act
    Granted large tracts of land to states; states sold land and used money for colleges
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    Abolition of Slavery and Involuntary Servitude
  • 14th Amendment

    Protects rights against state infringements, defines citizenship, prohibits states from interfering with privileges and immunities, requires due process and equal protection, punishes states for denying vote, and disqualifies Confederate officials and debts
  • 15th Amendment

    Voting Rights
  • Rise of Industrial America

    Rise of Industrial America
    Overview In the decades following the Civil War, the United States emerged as an industrial giant. The American West, 1865-1900 The completion of the railroads to the West following the Civil War opened up vast areas of the region to settlement and economic development.
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote. The electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for electors of the most numerous branch of the State legislatures.
  • 16th ammendment

    16th ammendment
    • gave Congress authority to set a federal income tax Main source of US income
  • 19th Amendment

    Women's Right to Vote
  • Cooperative federalism

    States and national governments worked together to deal with the Great Depression
    Many cases about FDR's New Deal reached the Supreme Court.
  • 21st Amendment

    Repeal of 18th Amendment (Prohibition)
  • 20th Amendment

    20th Amendment
    Commencement of Presidential Term and Succession
  • US v. Darby

    US v. Darby
    Upheld Fair Labor Standards Act. Commerce clause allows congress to regulate employment conditions
  • 22nd Ammendment

    Two-Term Limitation on President
  • 23rd Amendment

    23rd Amendment
    District of Columbia Presidential Vote
  • Creative Federalism

    Creative Federalism
    Government program to eliminate poverty and social inequality
    Johnson created creative federalism, which released national funds to achieve national goals.
    If states didn’t cooperate, they would lose federal funding.
  • Great Society

    Government program to eliminate poverty and social inequality
    Johnson created creative federalism, which released national funds to achieve national goals.
    If states didn’t cooperate, they would lose federal funding.
  • 24th Amendment

    Abolition of Poll Tax Requirement in Federal Elections
  • Miranda v Arizona

    Miranda v Arizona
    Expanded rights of people acused of crimes . "Miranda Rights"
  • Freedom of Information Act

    Allows citizens access to written records kept by federal agencies
  • Loving v Virginia

    Struck down all state laws banning interracial marriage
  • 25th Amendment

    Presidential Vacancy, Disability and Inability
  • Tinker v Des Mois

    Tinker v Des Mois
    RUled that schools couldnt prevent students from protesting the Vietnam War
  • 17th Amendment

    17th Amendment
    Popular Election of Senators
  • 18th Amendment

    18th Amendment
  • 26th Amendment

    Right to Vote at Age 18
  • War Powers of Resolution

    War Powers of Resolution
    It stipulates the president must notify Congress within 48 hours of military action and prohibits armed forces from remaining for more than 60 days. The Constitution divides war powers between Congress and the president.
  • New Federalism

    New Federalism
    Ronald Reagan believed state governments could better provide services to the people
    Cut national grant money and relaxed national requirements
  • 27th Amendment

    Congressional Compensation
  • Homeland Security

    Reorganization of agencies already in place
    Law enforcement
    Border security
  • D.C v. Helen Keller

    2nd amendment protects an individuals rights to keep and bear arms for self defense
  • Obergfell v. Hodges

    states must grant and recognize same-sex marriage
  • Iron Triangle

    Iron Triangle
    forms an unofficial alliance
    Bureaucratic agencies
    Congressional oversight committees
    Outside interest groups