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Trojan War By Brianna Padilla

  • Jan 1, 1000

    Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis

    Wedding of King Pelius and Thetis
    All gods and demi gods were invited expect Eris she was known to be a trouble maker.No one had wanted her there because they knew she would disrupt the wedding.She had threw golden apple for the most beautiful , the goddesses who wanted it were Hera ,Athena, and Aphrodite.
  • Jan 2, 1000

    Paris forced to chose

    Paris forced to chose
    The goddesses had asked Zeus to chose but he was unable so told Paris he could. Each goddess had tried to persuade Paris but he chose Aphrodite because she offered him the most prettiest women on earth.
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    Paris takes Queen Helen

    Paris takes Queen Helen
    As Paris choosing to have the most prettiest women on earth. Aphrodite didn’t mention that she was queen Helen of Sparta.This had caused mass cauious because she was married and her husband was infuriated that she left.
  • Jan 1, 1210

    Gods and Goddesses chose sides

    Gods and Goddesses chose sides
    Hera and Athena are mad at Paris for not choosing them so they side with Greek along with Poseidon even though he despises Odysseus.For the Trojans Aphrodite since Paris chose her to give the golden apple to along with Artemis and Apollo.Zeus decides to stay neutral but liked the Trojans more.
  • Feb 1, 1210

    Fight for Helen

    Fight for Helen
    As Paris took Menelaus wife he decided to beg his older brother Agamemnon to help get Helen back. This action of Paris had started
    the Greek against Troy war also known as the Trojan war because Paris didn’t wanna give Helen back.Paris battled against Menelaus for Helen the loser would be killed and Paris would of got killed if his brother Hector didn’t intervene.
  • Jun 1, 1210

    Patroclus vs Hector

    Patroclus vs Hector
    Patroclus cousin is Achilles and Patroclus was mad that Achilles didn’t wanna fight so he decided to go as him.Which got him killed by Hector the best killer that the Trojans had.Achilles had become enraged and sad that Patroclus had died by Hector.
  • Jul 1, 1210

    Achilles kills Hector

    Achilles kills Hector
    After the death of Patroclus, Achilles gets really angry and decides to go after Hector.Athena dresses up and acts as if she’s Hectors friend but it was just a scheme to lure him close so that Achilles can kill him.When Achilles does kill Hector he drives him around on his chariot like the picture.
  • Aug 1, 1210

    Achilles gets killed

    Achilles gets killed
    Achilles gets killed by Paris.Paris had shot Achilles on his heel which was the only body part of Achilles that wasn’t dipped in water when he was born because his mother wanted to make him invincibile.It was his weakness it was called Achilles heel.
  • Nov 1, 1210

    Trojan War

    Trojan War
    The war had gone on for 10 years until Odysseus had came up with a plan. Which is famously known as him giving a gift to the Trojans to let them know they “won the war”.Little did anyone know Greek men were hiding inside the Trojan horse.Therefore making the Greeks finally win the war because once they got inside they let open the gates for the rest of the Greek troops.
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    Odysseus starts his journey

    Odysseus starts his journey
    Odysseus had upset some gods so they delayed his travel home back to Ithaca.He had gone through so much with his battle with Poseidon son, the wrath of Poseidon, Sirens and etc.Poseidon had almost made it impossible for him to get back home he was mad that he didn’t thank him and blinded his son.All Odysseus wanted was to get back home to his wife,son and kingdom.Odysseus was away for 20 years in total .