Toddler Timeline

  • Baby is Born

    Baby is Born
    Neah Jackson and Morgan Duncan
    Period 1, December 4, 2015
  • 13-15 Months Old (Physical)

    13-15 Months Old (Physical)
    -the toddler may stand with slight support
    -sits by collapsing when first taking steps
    -may climb out of crib, high chair, or stroller
    -may creep like a bear, with hands and feer in contact with floor
    -they need to have improvement of grasping skills
  • 13-15(months cognitive)

    13-15(months cognitive)
    • likes to look at pictures books and pat recognized pictures and faces -shows interest in new textures by rubbing fingers over surfaces -slowly increase their vocabulary by 4-6 words -have very short memories
  • 16-18 Months (Physical)

    16-18 Months (Physical)
    -may be able to walk sideways (large motor skills)
    -may show hand preference in all activities (small motor skill)
    -works on jigsaw puzzles with one or two pieces
    -walks into a ball but is unable to kick the ball
  • 16-18 Months (Cognitive)

    16-18 Months (Cognitive)
    -remembers where objects belong
    -knows how to figure out things through the thinking process
    -has very short attention span
    -uses words instead of gestures to express wants, such as a cookie
  • 19-21 Months (Physical)

    19-21 Months (Physical)
    -walks sideways and backwards
    -runs without falling often
    -sits on the floor from standing position quite easily
    -holds on to objects in hand easily
    -can fold a piece of paper once imitating
  • 19-21 Months (Cognitive)

    19-21 Months (Cognitive)
    -progresses from simple imitation to imaginative play
    -can remember familiar objects without seeing them
    -is interested in tiny things, such as bugs
    -completes jigsaw puzzles with 2-3 pieces
  • 22-24 Months (Physical)

    22-24 Months (Physical)
    -walks more with coordination
    -bounces and sways in a simple dance
    -lacks ability to start efficiently and stop quickly while running
    -can put several blocks together to make a train or stack them to make a tower
  • 22-24 Months (Cognitive)

    22-24 Months (Cognitive)
    -is interested with sounds and repetition
    -continues to ask "What is that?"
    -answers simple questions, such as "Where is the doggie?"
    -identifies familiar objects on TV screen
  • 24-30 Months (Physical)

    24-30 Months (Physical)
    -improves motor skills as torso lengthens
    -opens doors by turning knobs
    -enjoys wrapping candy or gum
    -enjoys running but is unable to measure sudden stops
  • 24-30 Months (Cognitive)

    24-30 Months (Cognitive)
    -easily interested in children's TV shows
    -understands cause & effect in terms of their own behavior
    -remembers sequences of stories and are able to make up a story of their own
    -likes to imitate drawings of older children
  • 30-36 Months (Physical)

    30-36 Months (Physical)
    -likes to be in constant motion
    -enjoys being involved in running
    -goes upstairs by alternating feet
    -walks on tip toes
    -throws ball over head, but their aim is still off
  • 30-36 Months (Cognitive)

    30-36 Months (Cognitive)
    -begins to classify objects into general categories
    -becomes more skilled with putting puzzles together
    -vocabulary starts at about 500 words and increases to 900 or 1000 in this period
    -asks names of objects and repeats them