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TimeToast Review

  • Apr 13, 1400

    Europen Exploration

    Europen Exploration
    european exploration
    During thr 1400's, European's had a desire to grow rich and spread christianity. Exploration were feel with a spirit of adventure that motivated Europeans to cross oceans and face danger
  • Aug 13, 1521

    Cortez conquers the Aztecs

    Cortez conquers the Aztecs
    mexico historyThe spanish conquest on the Aztec empire was led by Hernando Cortes and was a landmark victory for the English settlers.
  • Geocentric theory

    Geocentric theory
    geocentric theoryThe ideal that thr Erath was the center of the universe
  • The Stuarts and Divine Rights

    The Stuarts and Divine Rights
    When Queen Elizabeth died in 1603, it ended the Tudor dynasty.The next line of rulers were the Stuarts, the first Stuart ruler was James I, James believe his power came from god, which is known as divine rights
  • English settle in Jamestown

    [history is fun](<a href='http://http://www.historyisfun.org/jamestown-settlement.htm)' >Jmaestown settlement</a>On May 14, 1607, a small company of
    settlers landed at a point on the James River
    in Virginia and established the settlement of
    Jamestown. It was the first permanent
    English settlement in the New World.
  • First 3 mounths of Jamestown

    First 3 mounths of Jamestown
    history is funThe first settlers of Jamestown was led Captain John Smith. The new settlers built a fort, church, storehouse and other structures in their first three months at the settlement.
  • Copernicus presents the Heliocentric Theory

    Copernicus presents the Heliocentric Theory
    sloar styemThat fact that planets revole around the sun, not the earth
  • First Thanksgiving

    First Thanksgiving
    ThanksgivingIn 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies.
  • Christopher Coulumbus sail the ocean blue

    Christopher Coulumbus sail the ocean blue
    christopher columbus life etc.Coulumbus sail the ocean to find a quickier route to the East Indies. Cloumbus had 3 ships that sail with him to the "new world", and those ships are the Niña, Pinta, the flagship, and the Santa Maria.
  • Louis XIV of France begins his reign

    Louis XIV of France begins his reign
    louis history
    Louis is viewed as the best example of absolutism in the 17th century. Louis was the son of Louis XIII, the previous king who died in 1643.
  • Glorious Revolutions in England

    Glorious Revolutions in England
    glorious revolutionThe Glorious Revolution was when William of Orange took the English throne from James II in 1688. The event brought a permanent realignment of power within the English constitution.
  • Peter the Great of Russia begins his reign

    Peter the Great of Russia begins his reign
    peter facts
    Peter return to Russia in 1698, Peter began his reign in earnest. Armed with much knowledge of the West, he started a series of military campaigns, enacted sweeping reforms, and nearly single handedly thrust Russia to the forefront of European power.
  • 17th Century Sailing

    17th Century Sailing
    The captian of a 17th century sailing vessel would normally have a crew of 190 sailors. For a 3 mounth voyage, they would have to pack over 45,486 of goods.
  • Napoleon conquers mopst of Europe

    Napoleon conquers mopst of Europe
    Napoleon Bonaparte was the greatest military genius of his era and maybe the greatest general in history. He created an empire that covered most of western and central Europe.
  • French Revolution begins

    French Revolution begins
    french revolution
    The French Revolution began because of France's finacial, goverment and king problems