Timeline with Attitude of World War One

  • Gavrilo Princip attempted to kill himself and sent to prison

    Gavrilo Princip attempted to kill himself and sent to prison
    Once he had murdered Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife, he turned his gun around and attempted to kill himself, but failed since witnesses threw themselves on Princip until police arrived and arrested him. From then to April 28, 1918, he was tortured by other prisoners for 4 years straight and then died for being severely underweight and abused.
  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    On June 28, 1914, the Archduke and his pregnant wife were driving in a motorcade in a parade in Sarajevo, Bosnia. When all of a sudden Gavrilo Princip jumped on their car, pulled out his pistol, and shot at them causing all three of them to die, Archduke, his wife, and the unborn baby.
  • Germany declared war on Russia

    Germany declared war on Russia
    Austria-Hungary blamed Serbia for the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinard, so Russia prepared to start organizing their troops to defend Serbia. Austria-Hungary then turned to their ally Germany for support. Germany offered their full help and named its promise “Blank Cheque.” Soon after that Germany declared war on Russia.
  • Canada followed Britain in World War

    Canada followed Britain in World War
    In the year 1914 more than half of Canadians thought of Britain as their “mother country” meaning the British government still controlled the country’s foreign affairs. This meant when Britain declared war on Germany, Canada was also at war.
  • Training begins

    Training begins
    In 1916, military soldiers and pilots started getting trained. The training was more advanced for pilots because they needed to know all sorts of things, such as how to fly a plane, aim to shoot more efficiently, have balance, etc. While being a soldier didn’t require those 2 months of training they were taught how to shoot, reload, and aim using a gun.
  • The U.S enters WW1

    The U.S enters WW1
    The United States declared war on Germany on April 26, 1917, which was more than 2 and a half years after the world war began. Before the United States declared war it was a neutral country, even though it had been a great supplier to Britain and other rest of the Allied Powers.
  • Canadian Corps wins Battle of Vimy Ridge

    Canadian Corps wins Battle of Vimy Ridge
    People until this day believe the victory of the battle of Vimy Ridge was a turning point in Canada’s history as a nation and is a symbol of Canadian national pride and awareness. This is Canada’s most celebrated victory!
  • End of World War One

     End of World War One
    On November 11th,1918 an armistice signaling the end of WW1 was signed shortly after 5 AM. Unfortunately, more than 2500 men died within those last hours of the war. The Triple Entente (The allies) won World War One!
  • Some Canadian women win the right to vote

     Some Canadian women win the right to vote
    In the year 1914, not everyone had the right to vote. Women were fighting and demanding to change this since the early 1870s. In 1916, the government of Manitoba gave the right to some women to vote in provincial elections. After 1 year goes by women from Alberta, Ontario, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia had the right to vote.
  • Great depression begins 1929

     Great depression begins 1929
    The Great Depression was an intense economic depression that began in the United States and progressed to being worldwide. It affected the world economically, politically, and socially. The economy decreased by 50% in the first 5 years of the depression. It affected politics shaking their confidence badly, and the Dust Bowl destroyed mostly all the farming in the midwest.