timeline toaster

  • pass all my classes

    passing all my classes so that i have a good GPA
  • start getting money

    putting some money in a savings account
  • get a job

    get m first job and put the money in the ba
  • im in college

    im in college paying loans have a job
  • have a bachelors

    ill have a bachelors degree and have a higher pay then what i had before
  • repair my car

    im waiting a few years to repair my car so in case anything happens it wont be a waste of money
  • ill have a job in the burbs

    ill have a job in the suburbs and getting a girl.
  • i will get a home

    im gonna get a home and have my own house.
  • get a roomate

    im gonna get a home with a friend and share the cost with them
  • have some kids

    imma start slowing things down and have some kids and start to live life