Timeline project- Rebecca Snider

By Bsnider
  • World War One

    World war one was USA, Great Britain, France, and Russia against Germany and Australia. The USA entered late in 1917, and Russia left early. Germany lost and was forced to pay reparations which put them into a lot of debt.
  • The Great Depression

    This was the deepest economic downturn of the U.S. It began with the market crash of 1929. It was also caused by uneven distribution of income, loss of expert sales, and mistakes by federal reserve.
  • World War Two

    The United States, United kingdom, and Soviet Union fought against Germany, Italy, and Japan. It started because of things like the Treaty of Versailles, Japanese expansion, and fascism.
  • The Cold War

    The cold war was an era of confrontation and competition between the US and the Soviet Union. It started while WW2 was still going on, and truly began because Stalin and Truman had many disagreements.
  • The Civil Rights Movement

    The civil rights movement was a popular movement to get equal rights for African Americans. Things that encouraged this were Rosa Parks, NAACP involvement, sit-ins, and the SNCC.