Timeline of Technology; Ambulances

By 1071620
  • Jan 1, 900

    The First Ambulances

    The First Ambulances
    The first ambulances were used by the Anglo-Saxons around 900A.D. Their version of the ambulance resembled a hammock. Normans also used ambulances, however they used a litter suspended between 2 horses on poles.
  • First Battle Field Ambulances

    First Battle Field Ambulances
    During the battle of Spires Dominique Jean Larrey designed the first major change in Ambulances. his design was called the ambulance volantes.
  • Tram System Ambulances

    Tram System Ambulances
    In the 19th century cities like Bahia, Brazil, and Missouri developed tram systems and started using trolley car ambulances.
  • American Civil War Ambulances

    American Civil War Ambulances
    During the Civil War Joseph Barns and Jonathan Letterman attempted to better Larrey's design, bit unfortunately it didn't last, and got replaced by a four wheel ambulance called "Rucker"
  • First Automobile Ambulances

    First Automobile Ambulances
    In the early 20th century ambulances were designed to be powered by gasoline, electricity, and steam. They then began using this design on the battlefield for speed. however different cultures designed the look of the ambulance differently, they all used gas, electricity, or steam.
  • Airplane Ambulances

    Airplane Ambulances
    During World War One Lieutenant Clifford Peel designed an outline for a medical air craft. a few years later his design was actually put into use. In 1982 they started the Aerial Medical
    experiment. It is known as Royal Flying Doctor Service of Australia.
  • Modern Day Ambulance

    Modern Day Ambulance
    Modern day ambulances were first used around the 1950s. they are run by motors and equipped with plenty of medical supplies. the ambulance design is improving everyday in order to insure the health and safety of patients.