timeline made by Santiago sanchez marin

By 1302278
  • typewriter

    a typewriter has an array of keys, each of which causes a different single character to be produced on the paper by causing an inked ribbon to be struck against the paper by a type element similar to the sorts used in movable type letterpress printing.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph consists of a system of electrical signals for the transmission of encoded text messages, such as Morse code, through wireline or radio communications. The electric telegraph, or more commonly only 'telegraph', replaced the signaling optical signal transmission systems, such as those designed by Claude Chappe for the French army and Friedrich Clemens Gerke for the Prussian army, thus becoming the first form of electrical communication
  • Vinyl disc

    Vinyl disc
    is an analog sound storage medium in the form of a flat disc with an inscribed, modulated spiral groove. The groove usually starts near the periphery and ends near the center of the disc. At first, the discs were commonly made from shellac; starting in the 1950s polyvinyl chloride became common. In recent decades, records have sometimes been called vinyl records, or simply vinyl, although this would exclude most records made until after World War II.
  • film camera

    film camera
    A camera is an optical instrument for recording or capturing images, which may be stored locally, transmitted to another location, or both. The images may be individual still photographs or sequences of images constituting videos or movies.
  • Old black and white TV.

    Old black and white TV.
    Television (TV) is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting moving images in monochrome (black and white), or in colour, and in two or three dimensions and sound. The term can refer to a television set, a television program ("TV show"), or the medium of television transmission. Television is a mass medium for entertainment, sports, education, news, courtroom drama, vintage programming, politics, gossip and advertising.
  • music cassette

    music cassette
    Also commonly called cassette tape or simply tape or cassette, it is an analog magnetic tape recording format for audio recording and playback. It was launched by Philips in 1963, having been developed in Hasselt, Belgium. [2] Compact cassettes come in two forms, which already contain content such as a pre-recorded cassette or a completely blank recordable "blank" cassette. Both forms are reversible by the user.
  • floppy disk

    floppy disk
    it is a data storage medium of magnetic type, formed by a thin circular sheet (disk) of magnetizable and flexible material (hence its name), enclosed in a plastic, square or rectangular cover, which was used in the computer, for example: for boot disk, to transfer data and information from one computer to another, or simply to store and safeguard files. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqpR44hOD3U
  • VHS Video Home System

    VHS Video Home System
    Since the 1950s, the recording of magnetic tape video became a major contributor to the television industry, through the first commercially available video recorders (VTR). At that time, the devices were used only in expensive professional environments, such as television studios and medical imaging (fluoroscopy). In the 1970s, videotape entered domestic use, creating the home video industry and changing the economics of television and film companies.
  • walkman

    The walkman allows to obtain sound quality, through stereo headphones, similar to that of a home computer, without being so bulky. LINK VIDEO:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=705-roAnxfs in the future the walkman will be small wireless headphones
    that will connect with bluetooth to your cell phone
    and you can save music on a USB