Timeline Diary

  • Oklahoma Land Rush

    Oklahoma Land Rush
    In a couple hours we race to claim our land in this new frontier. I hope we get a farmable piece of land with water on it. A creek and pond would be nice,but we're grateful just to have the chance to get our own land! Its going to be extremly hot on the way to where ever we're going. Billy is coming with us,hes been running for awhile now.
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    Westward Expansion

    Westward expansion is the time between 1865 and 1893 where the U.S. Gov. and people settled west passed the Appalachian mountains.
  • Homestead Act

    Homestead Act
    Our land is wonderful! It has a creek on it and has good farmable land! We're going to plant wheat next season. I hope everything turns out for the best coming out here. We'll be using a new steel plow during planting season i hope it works.
  • Indain Reservations

    Indain Reservations
    I met a Indain named Crazy Horse today. He said the U.S. Army is moving them from their lands to Reservations here in Oklahoma. He also told me that the Army killed all the Buffalo.
  • Labor Unions

    Labor Unions
    We moved from the Great Plains to St. Louis a while back because of the Indain Raids. I got a job at a Steel factory,we make steel beams there. The conditions there are horrid. I joined the Union because ive seen to many kids get hurt while on the job.
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    Gilded Age

    The gilded Age was the age of cutthroat bussiness practices by large companies.
  • J.P.Morgan

    I went in to J.P. Morgans Chase bank yesterday. It had this thing called a typewriter and they had electricity in the whole building! I cant believe all these bigwigs get to live life in such a heavenly way all the time.
  • Transcontinetal Railrod

    Transcontinetal Railrod
    When we were fencing off our land we saw these immagrants buliding a new Railroad. I talked to one of the workers and he told me that the Railroad will be all across the United States soon. Next to the Railroad is this wire called a telegraoph,its like writing a letter but instant!
  • Chinese exlcusion Act

    Chinese exlcusion Act
    The Chinese are supposed to be banned from immagrating to the Country for 10 years! they shouldve done it sooner to give more Americans jobs!
  • Indian Assimilation of Natives

    Indian Assimilation of Natives
    We rode to the train station last month and there was Indians there that we talked to while waiting for the steam locomotive.They told us that they are being forced to join the white mans way of life.
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    Imperialism is when a Nation takes over another Nation for gain and power. The U.S. was imperialistic the Philippines.
  • Yellow Journalism

    Yellow Journalism
    I became a typest for the Chicago Post after the steel factory was closed down. We are told to exaggerate the truth about the U.S.S. Maine exploded in Cuba.
  • De Lome Letter

    De Lome Letter
    We just published a story about the De Lome letter. This Spanish diplomate wrote a letter back to Spain telling them how weak we are as a Nation. I believe it is time for war with Spain.
  • Teddy Roosevelt

    Teddy Roosevelt
    We are fighting the Spanish in Cuba! A man named Teddy Roosevelt rode into battle at San Jaun Hill and slautered those Spanish savages.