Timeline - Daniel C., Austin F., Marlon B.

  • 8000 BCE

    Beginning of Agriculture

    Allowed for humans to settle down and progress socially
  • 3000 BCE

    Beginning of Bronze Era and Early Civilizations

    Began societies and farming practices, people were able to settle down and progress as a whole. Created new tools and weapons during this time.
  • 1300 BCE

    Iron Age

    Helped further progress the human race by adding new tools and weaponry to our already large assortment
  • 500 BCE

    Life of Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tsu (Beginnings of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism)

    Fundamentally altered human life because this began the diffusion and creation of major religions and religious ideals (in this case, in Asia)
  • 400 BCE

    Greek Golden Age

    began to question nature and began the study of science. It also began a new wave of thinkings about the world, ourselves, and the land around us.
  • 323 BCE

    Alexander the Great

    The leading general in the Macedonian army who was responsible for the conquering of Persia and Egypt. HIs empire spread from the Mediterranean to India.
  • 221 BCE

    Qin unified China

    This lead to the starting of the Qin Dynasty who began the practice of Legalism and began to shape politics in Asia all together. It also brought in Confucius and davits ideals into politics.
  • 32

    Beginning of Christianity

    While it had a rough start, Christianity grew to become of the world’s most influential religions all together
  • 180

    End of Pax Romana

    Shortly after the ending of Pax Romana, civil war broke loos and  Eastern Rome fell. Leaving Western Rome to build off of their mistakes, creating the Byzantine empire.
  • 220

    End of Han Dynasty

    After the prosperous Han Dynasty ended, Chia  would not be unified again for another 350 years. This marked the end of Chinese dynasties for a while.
  • 333

    Roman Capital moved to Constantinople

    This fully ended the idea of eastern rome being in power. From here on out, the Roman empire was strictly limited to the western part where they would soon turn into the prosperous Byzantine empire.
  • 350

    Beginning of Trans-Saharan trade route

    These trade routes played a big role in the commercial interests of African nations
  • 476

    Fall of Rome

    After weakening the Eastern part of Rome and invasions throughout the entire empire, the Roman Empire falls and fully become the Byzantine Empire on the western front.
  • 527

    Justinian Rule of Byzantine Empire

    Emperor Justinian I created a set of law codes that helped structure law codes throughout time and into modern times. Most of our current laws can be traced back to this law code.
  • Jan 1, 632

    Rise of Islam

    The most recent of the major religions, it spread rapidly throughout Asia, the middle east, and eastern Europe. This religion fundamentally changed the religious landscape of the Eurasian continent.
  • Jan 1, 732

    Battle of Tours

    This battle stopped the spread of Islam into Western Europe, specifically France. After the French won the battle, Islamic ideals were pushed away from Western Europe all together, keeping Western Europe Christian.
  • Jan 1, 1054

    1st Schism in Christian Church

    Divided the Church up into the Western and Eastern Churches who believed different types of Christianity. This made people more self reliant upon their decisions and greatly changed the way people saw Christianity all together.
  • Jan 1, 1066

    Norman conquest of England

    This conquest linked England closer to continental Europe as a whole and lessening the Scandinavian influence.
  • Jan 1, 1071

    Battle of Manzikert

    This battle removed Christian power in Byzantium which changed the head of the HRE. This also gave the turks power of the area and allowed for the fall of the empire.
  • Jan 1, 1095

    1st Crusade

    The most useful crusade of them all. This Crusade was to take back the Holy Land, which they did. However, this began the battle between Muslims, Jews, and Christians alike. This was also the only crusade that the Christian Crusaders won.
  • Mar 29, 1258

    Mongols Sack Baghdad

    After the sacking of Baghdad (one of the most influential cities in the muslim world), the city was destroyed and many lives were lost. It would take a long time before the city returned to being an important city at a global scale.
  • Mar 29, 1271

    Marco Polo’s travels

    His travels to China and Asia in general brought back one very key thing. This was Gunpowder, which revolutionized European warfare forever.
  • Mar 29, 1324

    Mansa Musa’s pilgrimage

    His pilgrimage introduced him to Middle eastern and European rulers
  • Mar 29, 1347

    Bubonic plague in Europe

    It was one of the reasons that feudalism ended. IT also helped clean up and refine European people and life.
  • Mar 29, 1349

    Travels of Ibn Battuta

    Ibn Battuta had traveled the farthest and visited the most places than anyone in the world.
  • Mar 29, 1433

    End of Zheng He’s Voyages

    The Chinese had no use for their navy anymore and instead of trying to use the water, they decided to focus on other things such as preventing the mongols from coming from the inland.
  • Mar 29, 1453

    Ottoman’s capture Constantinople

    This put the Ottomans in control of Southeastern Europe.
  • Mar 29, 1488

    Dias rounded Cape of Good Hope

    He discovered the sea route to the East.
  • Mar 29, 1492

    Columbus/Reconquista of Spain

    Efforts of Christian leaders to drive Muslims out of Spain
  • Mar 29, 1502

    1st slaves to America

    Portuguese brought African slaves to America to work in the fields for low payment
  • Mar 29, 1517

    Martin Luther/95 Theses

    This was the letter that Martin Luther wrote complaining about the catholic church and what could be fixed. This began different branches of Christianity all together.
  • Mar 29, 1521

    Cortez conquers Aztecs

    The arrival of the Spanish in Mexico brought a huge battle for power in central america, resulting in the loss of the Aztec empire all together.
  • Mar 29, 1533

    Ottomans capture Constantinople

    The capturing of Constantinople made the Ottoman trurks the most important in Southeastern Europe and began the expansion of their empire.
  • Mar 29, 1571

    Battle of Lepanto (defeat of Ottoman Navy)

    This battle was fought between a Spanish and Venetian fleet and the German Navy. This battle stopped the Turks from challenging Europeans.
  • Defeat of the Spanish armada by the British

    The massive fleet was sent by King Phillip II to Spain. The British won and weakened the Spanish. This helped assert Britain’s power over the seas.
  • Battle of Sekigahara

    This cleared the path for the Tokugawa era. This also unified Japan all together.
  • Foundation of Jamestown

    This was the first permanent english settlement that was founded by John Smith.
  • Period: to

    30 Years War

    This was a series of battles between the Catholic and Protestant churches.
  • Unsuccessful Ottoman siege of Vienna

    This began the downfall of Turkish rule. It also resulted in the defeat of combined force led by John III Sobieski
  • Glorious Revolution/English Bill of Rights

    King William and Queen Mary accepted the document that gave certain rights to the people of England. The glorious revolution was when James II abdicated his throne.
  • Period: to

    7 years war/French and Indian War

    This was obviously a war between France and their Indian allies. The English proved to be more dominant in commercial aspects than the US.
  • American Revolution/Smith writes Wealth of Nations

    Rebellion of english american colonies against the British which caused a war to break out and create the United States in this year.
  • French Revolution Begins

    Carried forward by Napoleon
  • Haitian Independence

    Free from Slavery
  • Congress of Vienna

    Conference of European ambassadors
  • Independence of Latin America

    Free after 3 centuries of colonial rule
  • 1st Opium War in China

    Fought between China and Britain
  • European Revolutions/Marx and Engels write Communist Manifesto

    The birth of communism
  • Commodore Perry opens Japan

    Opened japan to trade
  • Sepoy Munity

    Rebellion against British East India Company
  • End of Russian Serfdom/Italian Reformation

    Protestant reform of Italian states that began in the 15th century
  • Emancipation Proclamation in US

    Abolished slavery in the US
  • German Unification

    Unified German states that led to war
  • Berlin Conference

    Conference about the splitting up of Africa
  • Spanish-American War

    Resulted from US intervention in the Cuban war
  • Period: to

    Boer War

    Fought between Africa and Britain
  • Russo

    Japanese War-War over imperial ambitions in Korea
  • Period: to

    Mexican Revolution

    Revolution that led to reform of politics and society in Mexico
  • Chinese Revolution

    The upbringing of the Chinese communists
  • WWl

    Global War centered in Europe
  • Russian Revolution

    Dismantled the Russian autocracy
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Peace Treaty between Germany and Allied Powers
  • Stock Market Crash

    Crash of economy in the US
  • Japanese Invasion of Manchuria

    Kwantung army invaded after the Mukden Murder
  • Italian invasion of Ethiopia

    Colonial war that lasted until 1936
  • German Blitzkrieg in Poland

    Germany invaded Poland with new war strategy
  • Pearl Harbor

    Japanese bomb attack against the US
  • End of WWll

    Global War between mainly Germany, US, France, Soviet, and China
  • Independence of India

    Split of Indian independence into India and Pakistan
  • Birth of Israel

    Jews celebrated the moving in to Palestine
  • Chinese Communist Revolution

    Followed by decades of communist rule
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    War between North and South Korean land
  • Vietnamese Defeat French at Dien Bien Phu

    French are defeated at their stronghold by Vietnamese communists
  • Nationalization of Suez Canal

    Egyptian president announced nationalization of the canal
  • Cuban Revolution

    Armed revolt conducted by Castro
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Confrontation between the Soviet Union and the US about missiles in Cuba
  • 6 Day War

    war between Israel, Egypt, Jordan, and Syria
  • Yom Kippur War

    War between Arab States
  • Iranian Revolution

    The overthrow of Pahlavi
  • 1st Palestinian Intifada

    Uprising against the Israeli occupation of West Bank
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    Began the end of the Cold War
  • 1st gulf war

    Defense of Saudi Arabia
  • Genocide in Rwanda

    Mass slaughter in Tutsi
  • 9/11

    Terroist attack on US