Timeline Criterion C

By SadieXD
  • Plan

    The first step to start saving energy with wind turbines is to plan out how to make them. The information on the cost, savings, and maintenance to determine how many should be put up and what materials they should be made of to be most cost efficient and easiest to maintain. Without knowing this saving the environment with them is not possible.
  • Preparing

    For the wind turbines to even go up, wind farms have to be made. Withouth them there will be no space to put them up. Mounting and fall zone also need to be considered so for one they don’t fall over and two if they do you have a fall zone that when they fall it’s on your property not hitting any structures. All this has to be prepared before hand to even think about using a cleaner energy.
  • Action

    After Research and a plan has been made we can start gathering materials such as metal to start building the wind turbines. All the wind turbines will be built in the newly constructed wind farm.
  • Wind Turbine Companies and How They Put Effort Into Saving The Environment

    Wind Turbine Companies and How They Put Effort Into Saving The Environment
    Not only does the community work towards these goals, but wind turbine manufactorers are putting there foot down convincing people that they really do lower pollution and emissions. They put all their effort into making the most green wind turbine possible, that protects the environment and stops pollution by creating a cleaner energy source
  • Educating

    Educating the public about wind turbines will also make a big difference. If neighborhoods and cities know how they work and how they save the Earth, we can work together to implement into these communities. Some things that people could do is have wind turbines on buildings and in their own back yard. All of this will get the gears moving for wind turbines to become an even bigger source of green energy.
  • A Cleaner Energy

    A Cleaner Energy
    Now that the wind farm and wind turbines are all built the road to saving energy and using cleaner energy is possible. People can still work togethre though to improve the wind turbines to make their energy even greener.