Timeline 1850-1861

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    John Brown

    He was a radical abolitionist who led the raid on Harpers Ferry where 16 people died. He was put to death for his actions because he raided a federal building.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    This book is about a dignified slave who killed. He is whipped to death.
  • Kansas Nebraska Act

    This allowed people in Kansas and Nebraska to decide if they wanted to be a slave state or not. The act repealed the Missouri Compromise of 1820. Which made anything Northern state of the latitude of 36'30 a free state.
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    bloody Kansas

    Kansans was in a violent guerrilla war between pro-slavery and anti-slavery forces in an event called Bleeding Kansas which shaped American politics and contributed to the coming of the Civil War.
  • Election of 1856

  • Dred Scott

  • Lincoln Douglas Debate

    This propelled Lincoln's political career into the spotlight. While ruining Douglas'. This was a series of seven debates. A lot of it was about the slavery expansion
  • Harpers Fery

    There was a military arsenal on the ferry that was raided by John Brown. The Ferry is located in West Virginia. Sixten people died in the raid
  • Secession

    South Carolina succeeded from the Union. They said the non-slave states were getting more and more hostile so they declared independence and left the union.
  • Election 1860

    Lincoln won the election. He was a Republican.