Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996

  • Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996

    Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996
    Thomas Kuhn originally started his studies in physics but switched to philosophy of science while still keeping a strong interest in physics. Kuhn graduated from Harvard in the spring of 1943 where he later continued his education and achieved a doctorate in physics.
  • Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996

    Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996
    Kuhn became a full time professor at the University of California at Berkley. It was at this point he was able to explore his interest in the philosophy of science.
  • Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996

    Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996
    After being at Berkley for a year Kuhn had "The Structure Of The Scientific Revolutions" published in the "International Encyclopedia of Unified Science". It was at this point that Kuhn's Paradigm philosophy was expressed to the rest of the world.
  • Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996

    Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996
    Kuhn left Berkley to become a professor at Princeton. Kuhn was set to debate Feyerabend but due to an illness, Kuhn debated John Watkins. It was because of this that Kuhn's theory was that much more brought into the public eye and adopted by others.
  • Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996

    Thomas Kuhn 18Jul1922-17Jun1996
    The COMP Division of ACS created a competition that Christopher Bayly won. The importance of the competition is that even after Kuhn's death he is remembered through the "Thomas Kuhn Paradigm Shift Award". This award is given to the winner of the competition.