
Things I Enjoyed In History

  • Jan 12, 1347

    Bubonic Plague (Europe)

    Bubonic Plague (Europe)
    The Bubonic Plague was a very interesting subject, for it impacted the world to this day. Many people died, lost family members, but the demand for workers increased. Those who did not have a job before, were now being fought over after the Bubonic Plague from all of the loss. I enjoyed learning about this because it opened my eyes to know even more that everybody has a place in this world, and our world can change in a blink of an eye.
  • Period: Dec 24, 1400 to

    Renaissance (Europe)

    During this period of our lessons, we made a poster to try and advertise the "Great Awakening," while also trying to spread the revolution around. I enjoyed using propaganda to influence the lives of others by persuading them to join the Renaissance. Today, our lives have changed due to the effects of this time period, for it brought new machines, ways of living, easier routines, and a whole different world.
  • Period: Dec 1, 1476 to Jan 25, 1500

    Realist .VS. Romantics (Europe)

    Throughout the Lesson plan of Realist .VS. Romantics, I was very intrigued by all that I learned from both sides of these groups and how it applies to the world then and now. When you are a dreamer or a Romantic, then you see things from a positive and futuristic way. On the other hand, when you are a Realist, you see things from a true and possible way. Everybody is different, but Realists and Romantics can work together.
  • Code of Hammurabi (Babylon)

    Code of Hammurabi (Babylon)
    All of the messages given by the Code of Hammurabi were very interesting to interpret and put into our own words. The society back then was very different from that now, for we do not just cut off peoples' hands when they do something wrong. I honestly could not even imagine the life described by the Code of Hammurabi; it sure made me thankful for where I am in the world today.
  • Women's Rights (United States)

    Women's Rights (United States)
    This event connects with myself a lot, for I am a lady and without this event, I may not be where I am to today or where I am heading for that matter. Throughout the unit, we looked at the more broad subject to why this event really happened in history. What'd the men have to say? Why did the women get this right/priveledge? All in all, I love to learn about this because I also did a project about Women's Rights for History Day and it went to state. (A very interesting subject indeed.)
  • Period: to

    Holocaust (Germany)

    We have learned about the Holocaust all our lives, but I really like to learn more and more about the subject and we did just that this year in class. I especially liked watching "The Boy in the Striped Pajamas," for it was a way to put what we learned into a reality in our minds. One thing different about this lesson than the Holocaust lessons in other classes, is how much we learned about the facts, culture, and logic behind it all.
  • Period: to

    Songs of Rebellion (Counter Culture-United States)

    Throughout this lesson, we learned how people showed their feelings about the Vietnam War through the songs they wrote. Everyone was able to identify what they were talking about and connect with their feelings. I personally really enjoyed this lesson because we got to interpret lyrics and identify the true meanings throughout the song. (Each song was unique and fun to listen to in class.)
  • Period: to

    Civil Rights Movement (Southern United States)

    I really appreciate going over and digging deeper into this subject because it really intrigues me. Honestly, I have never understood how or why segregation, disgrimination, biasty, and prejudice actions even occured. I mean who even came up with it? Everyone should be equal no matter what their skin color or gender is and that's it!
  • Period: to

    Zodiac Killer (Northern California)

    The subject of events during this time were all very intriguing, but I found this one to be the most intriguing. Because this whole thing is so far fetched, mysterious, and just plain creepy, I believe that is what pulled me in. (They don't even know who this serial killer is, and he sure is one heck of a creepo.) The way the story was presented was awesome as well. I wonder, will they ever pull this cold case out again? Will they ever find the "Zodiac Killer?"
  • Middle East Issues Today

    Middle East Issues Today
    My project for finding something that is affecting the Middle East today was the subject of Christians fleeing from the Middle East. The article stated that Christians have made more of a positive impact in these areas than they realized. I loved to read about this to further my knowledge, it was also a subject that I am really passionate about. Sometimes, we never really know what is happening in the world, but we all need to make an effort to do so. In this way, I enjoyed the assignment.
  • Today's Issues (United States)

    Today's Issues (United States)
    We have recently finished up this subject where we chose an event or story of our choice and interest. I personally enjoyed researching the subject of Transgenders with Target with my partner Shera. I have a very strong opinion on this subject, but it was nice to look at it from all sides, views, and points. I also enjoyed hearing everyone else's presentations as well.
  • Modern Day Slavery (Everywhere)

    Modern Day Slavery (Everywhere)
    The unit of Modern Day Slavery showed us how many slaves we have by the items we own and use. Slavery still exists in the world today, but it usually is illegal. I was very interested in seeing how many I would have, but I do not remember at this moment in time how many I ended up with. I chose this as one of my favorites, because it opened the eyes of myself and my peers in the classroom.