There will come short Rains

By siaaa
  • Time to get up

    It felt as if it were a normal 21st century house which had clocks to wake people up
  • Breakfast time

    It's breakfast time.
    Breakfast is automatically made in the house but there's no one to eat what's made.
    For a second, I felt as if future technology had taken over the world.
  • Off to school, off to work

    It was a rainy day and the weather box sang heartedly to the rain. The garage doors open, wait but eventually close. This tells me that no one's at home
  • Clean up time

    The food is thrown away because no one eats it and the dishes are cleaned. This makes me wonder what happened to the people who belonged/stayed in the house. Did they die? Were they killed? Did they just suddenly decide to leave? Who were the actual caretakers of this house? A house which was very unsual than the rest
  • The house is still empty.

    It had been a while since the house was fully clean't and it actually made me think that the people of the house were really dead. I was convinced with the fact that there were no owners to this house.
  • Sprinklers turn on

    • There are pictures of a man, women, and two children which tells us that they were a family of four.
    • The images were burned on wood which suggests that the family had been fired or bombed at.
    • It felt as if technology had overruled mankind by killing humans.
  • The mice come to clean the dirt

    As soon as the dog dies and starts to decay, the house's cleaning mice sense it and go to remove the dog out of the room.
    This shows how the house cant stand any filthy waste of nature.
  • Lunch Time

    Now, its Lunch Time.
    The house once again prepares food as usual but no one shows up. So, they empty the plates and clean one more time.
  • Children's hour!

    The nursery was a technological set up which was manipulated by the house,
    I pitied the children because they had never experienced real nature and had only experienced the articfical set up .
  • The house dies

    A big tree smashes into the house and the house is finally destroyed. Atlast, nature wins and steps over humanity!
  • Which poem would you like to read this evening?

    Its evening now and the house must read a poem to Mrs Clellan.
    The computer chooses a poem at random. He reads out the poem, "There will come soft rains".
    • This poem suggests that eventually nature will overule humanity. The poem ironically demonstrates the purpose of the story which is: nature can over rule humanity once mankind is destroyed.
  • The dog comes home

    The dog was described to be healthy at one point but when he enters the house he is covered in wounds, which made me think if he was the only who survived out of the family. The dog sniffs the rooms to find his owners but soon realizes that no ones there. This could mean that he was in a lookout for his owners since a long time and hence, he is scrawny due to no food at all. Few mins later, the dog dies and I'm confused on how his death took place.