The Written Word

  • 3100 BCE

    Evolution of the script

    The writing system first started with images that were being used as words. Beyond the pictorial stage, conceptual characters were used. For example, a shallow inverted V would be depicting a roof. If a symbol representing a woman was placed underneath the V, the overall image would be depicting a family or home.
  • 3100 BCE

    Cuneiform in Mesopotamia

    In 3100 BC, Cuneiform was discovered in Mesopotamia as a reliable and lasting way to document what was happening at the time. On wet clay, they drew a picture of an item in question and then added a marking for the number counted and recorded. Then the clay sat in the sun and baked which made it into a permanent document.
  • 3000 BCE

    Hieroglyphs and papyrus

    Hieroglyphs and papyrus
    In Egypt, they started to form a system or writing being the second civilization to create a system of writing. The images they use are very pictorial. The hieroglyphics have a lot of impotence and it is was remarkable to be able to understand what they are saying because these inscriptions are on many tombs and temples. Through understanding this form of writing, we can then understand what the people were doing at that time.
  • 1600 BCE

    Chinese characters

    Chinese characters
    The writing form that China has created was groundbreaking because it is still used to this day. Chinese characters are difficult to use for the purpose of printing and word-processing because the characters are so complex. When people are unable to communicate their language through speaking, they are often able to communicate freely through writing.
  • 1600 BCE


    This version of writing became popular in most western societies. This is an engraved form of writing that was a conventional form. Copper plate can be imitating the letters that have been engraved into the cooper stone.
  • 1500 BCE

    Phonetics and the alphabet

    Phonetics were the most significant transformation in the history of writing. Transforming the writing changed the language into being based on the spoken sound of a word and then recorded down into writing. It made a literate community possible.
  • 1500 BCE

    Roman and Italic

    They created beautifully written manuscripts that aspire to be authentic scripts. When people are looking for how to create humanism in writing, turn to these writings to base it off of. These scripts have been adapted for practical use. Roman and Italic writing eventually became apart of every printer's stye.
  • 19th Century Writing

    19th Century Writing
    In the 19th century writing books became a very popular idea. Many people wrote books to tell a story and to put all of their ideas together. Some liked to tell about the past, some told of the present, and some wrote about the future. The authors who were writing these pieces of literature typically were from Europe.
  • 20th Century Writing

    In the 20th century writing continued to expand. Many American authors started to become known. Writing was being used all the time in books, newspapers, magazines, and many other written forms. Contemporary literature started to become popular after 1960. The technological advances in the 1900's allowed for the production of written pieces which resulted in more writers because it was being made easier and cheaper to duplicate pieces of work.
  • Present Day

    Writing is seen everywhere today in books, magazines, newspapers, and more. People found that it can be easier to write what you are thinking versus speaking it. Writing allows people to freely speak their minds. We write everyday in this society because it might possibly be the best way to communicate what you are thinking through a non-verbal form. People have so many different purposes for writing and it is continually expanding.
  • Future Writing

    The future of writing is quite honestly very hard to predict. I can't really imagine what will end up going beyond what has been created now. In the future, there will be many different ideas being written about because what happens in the future will be different than what is happening now.
  • Bibliography

    Works Cited:
    "HistoryWorld - History and Timelines." HistoryWorld - History and Timelines. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2016.
    Cardiff. Western Mail, 2 Nov. 2013. Web.
    I think that I should get an A on this project because I demonstrated that I know all about the written word in the past, present, and predicted the future. I think that my project is visually appealing and it covers all of the topics.