The War of 1812

  • Impressment

    Impressment was British captured American sailors and forced them into the British Navy. The United States was not happy that the British had taken about forty-five hundred sailors.
  • Lewis and Clark

    Lewis and Clark
    Lewis and Clark set out to explore the western land. While these two men explored the Louisiana Purchase territory, they found many new landmarks and also Native Americans.
  • Britain Blockade

    Britain Blockade
    Napolean decided to block British goods in Europe. They decided to prevent ships from entering or leaving its ports.
  • Britain seized American ships

    Britain seized American ships
    The United States exports were being seized, ships were being captured, and their cargoes were being confiscated.
  • Battle of Friedland

    The Battle of Friedland was one of the Napoleonic Wars. It was between the Russian Empire and the French Empire, The French had won this war.
  • Chesapeake Incident

    Chesapeake Incident
    The British wanted to check American ships for British deserters but the US captain refused. This ended in the British shooting the Americans, 3 were killed and 18 wounded.
  • Embargo

    Thomas Jefferson put a ban on exporting products to all countries. He thought the Embargo Act of 1807 would make other countries respect America's neutrality.
  • Tecumseh

    Indians are not happy with settlers moving onto their lands. Tecumseh and his brother organize Native American tribes into a Confederation to protect Indian lands and also rights.
  • Presidents

    Thomas Jefferson had finished his two terms of Presidency before Madison had taken over. Madison was forced to deal with the problems involving Britain.
  • War Hawks

    War Hawks
    The war hawks wanted Native American lands and they were certain that the tribes were siding with the British. They were in favor of war and demanded war against Britain.