The Thirty Years War by Kristiyan Nikolchev and Mikael Ferev 10/4

  • Sep 25, 1555

    The Peace of Augsburg

    The Peace of Augsburg
    This was the first legal basis which confirmed the coexistence of Lutheranism and Catholicism in Germany and was proclaimed by the Diet of the Holy Roman Empire.
  • Period: to

    King Christian IV of Denmark

    Christian IV led his country into the Thirty Years' war and also led two unsuccessful rebellions against Sweden. He supported protestant forces and was afraid that the Catholic forces would overrun him.He was defeated by the Catholics aided by Wallenstein and was forced to stop helping protestant forces at the treaty of Lubeck. Suprisingly,he didn't lose any lands and was known as one of the most famous danish rulers despite his mistakes.
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    Maximilian I of Bavaria

    Maximillian played a crucial role for thirty years in Germany. He created the Catholic league and supported Ferdinand the second. Maximillian had the Palatine electorate transferred to him and was present at the emperor's major conquests and victories. In the Swedish period, Maximillian returned to France and retained Bavaria in the battle of Nordlingen. Afterwards his armies got crushed and the peace of Westphalia saved him.
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    Cardinal Richelieu King Louis XIII

    King Louis XIII managed to score an important victory against the huguenots and even though he was mentally unstable and couldn't manage his affairs, he was respected. Richelieu was his chief minister and because of his intelligence he was able to transform France into one of the strongest nations. His decision to join the Swedes turned the tide of the war and caused the defeat of the Catholic forces. He was one of Europe's briliant minds.
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    King Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden

    King Gustavus Adolphus had rough early years as a king. He had many problems with Rusia and Denmark and he also had internal issues. He was a very gifted king and was able to resolve these issues.He entered the war in 1630 as the North's lion and managed to win many victories and take many of Ferdinand II 's lands.He believed in the protestant religion and didn't want to let Ferdinand become too strong. His rule ended at the battle of Lutzen.
  • Defenestration of Prague

    Defenestration of Prague
    Protestants William Slavata and Jaroslav Martinic were found guilty and thrown from the windows of Hradčany's council room(Prague's castle). This act was a sign of the Bohemian revolt's beginning against the Habsburg emperor Ferdinand II and it marked one of the first stages of the Thirty Years War.
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    The Bohemian Period

    The Bohemian period began with the defenestration of Prague and was filled with political conflict and wars between the Protestant forces led by Frederick the fifth and the Catholic forces led by emperor Ferdinand the second. Ferdinand invaded Bohemia and defeated the Protestant forces in the Battle of White mountain. Afterwards, Frederick fled and Catholic and Habsburgs domination was evident throughout the rest of the period.
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    Ferdinand of Styria as king of Bohemia

    Firstly, Ferdinand was elected in 1618 but then he was deposed by the protestant Diet of Bohemia and that started the Thirty Years' war. With the help of Maximilian I of Bavaria, he managed to defeat the rebels and won the throne with the support of Spain, Poland and German Princes. He forced catholicism to Bohemia, confiscated rebel estates, reduced the Diet and basically was a cruel ruler of these "rebellious" lands.
  • Battle of White Mountain

    Battle of White Mountain
    This battle was fought near Prague in Bohemia and it marked the first major victory of the Catholic Habsburgs over the Protestant Union. This allowed the Habsburgs to gain control of the Bohemian state.
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    Philip IV of Spain

    Phillip I(the minor habsburg) came to power when there was a war between Spain and the Dutch and he was drawn into the Thirty Years' war which turned to be useless for him. He had a few military successes but other than that, he declared war to France which ended with the treaty of Pyranees and he also suffered rebellions by Portugal and Catalonia and that led to the independance of Portugal.
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    The Danish Period

    Its beginning was marked by the protestant(lutheran) King Christian the fourth who supported Protestant forces against Ferdinand the second. The wealth of Christian made Ferdinand ask Albrecht from Wallenstein(Bohemian nobleman) to aid him and with his army they managed to take the stronghold of Christian(Holstein). The period ended with the treaty of Lubeck and with a solid Catholic and Habsburg victory.
  • Treaty of Lubeck

    Treaty of Lubeck
    It's establishment was marked by the Danish King Christian IV and the imperial manager A.Wallenstein. Due to that treaty Denmark was forced to withdraw from the conflict by not fighting on the same side of the Hapsburg coalition. All their previous lands were restored but they had to not engage in emperial affairs and also had to stop supporting protestant forces.
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    The Swedish Period

    The Swedish king Gustavus Adolphus decided to step onto the war because he believed in the protestant cause and also feared that Ferdinand the second might become too powerful. The Swedes got victories in the battle of Lutzen and many others. Northern Germany was in control of the Swedes. The period ended with the peace of Prague which united Germany and set off an army to fight against the foreign invaders.
  • Battle of Lutzen

    Battle of Lutzen
    In this battle Gustavus II Adolphus of Sweden died. Swedes fought in that battle in order to help their Northern German Allies against the army of the Holy Roman Empire Ferdinand II. Because of the reinforcement, Wallenstein's forces retreated.
  • The treaty of Prague

    The treaty of Prague
    The treaty of Prague put a stop to the Austro-Prussian war and made the German princes weaker. Eventually, the Kingdom of Prussia was the only major power in Germany after the exclusion of the Habsburgs from all German affairs. Germany was united again and was going to be able to fight back against the foreign swedish invaders
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    The French Period( The Swedish-French Period)

    The French, led by Cardinal Richelieu decided to join forces with the Swedes in order to defend the lands they have took. War spread to whole Europe and even thought the empire had their successes, this wasn't going well for them. Bohemia was overrun by the Swedes and the French and Austria was next on the line. Running for peace began and the whole war ended with the peace of Westphalia.
  • The Peace of Westphalia

    The Peace of Westphalia
    The Peace of Westphalia was negotiated from 1644 and was the European settlements which brought to an end the eighty years war between the Spain, the Dutch and the German phase of Thirty Years' was. The treaties happened in the Westphalian towers and may provide the foundation of the modern state system. This peace finally brought the Thirty Years' war to an end.
  • Treaty of the Pyrenees

    Treaty of the Pyrenees
    The peace has been made between Louis XVI of France and Philip IV of Spain that ended the Franco-Spanish War(1648-1659) and this action marked the beginning of the Hegemony in Europe. A Pacific settlement has been made between them after Spain’s defeat in the Battle of the Dunes.