The Spanish - American war Timeline

By Jadel.D
  • Period: to

    the spanish american war

    This was a war between spain and america because of the bombing of the american ship the USS maine.
  • the inauguration of william mckinley

    This was our president during the time of the spanish american war
  • the bombing of the USS maine

    the bombing of the USS maine
    • the USS maine was a US battleship
    • it is thought that spain had bombed the ship
    • this was the spark for the spanish american war
  • the declaration of war

    the declaration of war
    -President mckinley was our president at the time he declared war on spain
    - Mckinley did this because of yellow journalism
    - the information was spread by the joseph pulitzer and william randolph hearst.
  • the end of the war

    the end of the war
    -the US beats spain
    - spain was greatly outnumbered during this war
    - the battle only lasted 6 days
  • the battle of santiago de cuba

    • this was a naval battle that occurred off the coast of cuba
    • the was also a US Victory
    • the US navy was much better than spain's

    -when cuba surrender to america during their naval battle
    -the that was the last battle of the of the war
    - this battle lead to a peace treaty
  • welcome hawaii

    welcome hawaii
    hawaii was once an independent nation
    hawaii is a territory for the US
    the US used the war as a reason for US taking over hawaii

    -the treaty of peace was was the treaty of paris.
    -these stopped the US from imperialism upon spain.
    -spain also granted independence amongst cuba