The Song Of History

  • Nuclear Bomb

    Nuclear Bomb
    this bomb had the ability to destroy, so president Thruman made the decision to continue and produce the bomb
  • Vaccine

    Jonas Salk developed the first polio vaccine, the vaccine was firste tested in 1952
  • Rockefeller

    Rockefeller became the most powerful and wealthy family of their time, being one of the richest families, having among his family a soldier, politicans, etc.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    The german physicist oconsidered the most important scientist know for the development of the theory of relativity, died on april 18, 1955
  • Princess Grace

    Princess Grace
    She was an Oscar-winning actress and leter Princess of Monaco, the wedding was in the Room ofe te palace of Monaco
  • Alabama

    A Montgomery federal curt, ruled that any law requiring racially segregated seating on buses violated the 14th amendment to the US constitution.
  • Sputnik

    Sputnik was thwe first artificial satellite, it waslaunched from Baikonour, Kazakhstan
  • Space Monkey

    Space Monkey
    the space monkey Sam returned to earth aboard the little JOE-2 rocket
  • The Beatles

    The Beatles
    Launch their Album Abby Road and set a trend for their crazy hairstyles
  • Nixon

    The president won the US presidential elections for the second time, wich were held on november 5 of the same year