The Romen Empire :D

  • 800 BCE

    The Start of the Empire

    The empire began in the 8th century BC, in Italy.
  • 500 BCE

    Rome becomes a repulic

    The king falls and Rome is now ruled by senators
  • 45 BCE

    Julius Caesar becomes the first dictator of Rome

    Julius Caesar becomes the supreme ruler of Rome. Too bad he died the next year.
  • 64

    The Great Roman Fire

    Part of Rome burns to the ground because of a fire that started.
  • 80

    Colosseum is built

    The Colosseum is built, which battles to the death took place
  • 380

    Christianity is now the main religion

    the title is pretty self explanatory
  • 395

    The Roman Empire Splits!

    In 395 AD, Rome split into two empires - the Western Roman Empire and the Eastern Roman Empire.