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The Roaring Twenties1914-1940

  • 1914

    July 28 - Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, marking the start of World War I.
    August: Germany declares war on Russia and France and invades Belgium.
    August 4 - Britain declares war on Germany, turning World War I into a global conflict.
    September 5 - The Battle of the Marne begins and the Germans are repelled.
  • 1915

    22 April: The Germans use poison gas as a chemical weapon for the first time in the Flanders region.
    May 7: The German submarine Lusitania is sunk, prompting international condemnation.
  • 1916

    July 1 - The Battle of the Somme begins, becoming one of the bloodiest battles of the First World War.
    23 July: The Germans use poison gas in the Battle of Verdun.
  • 1917

    The United States entered World War I and declared war on Germany.
    The February and October Revolutions in Russia led to the end of tsarism and the establishment of Soviet power.
  • 1918

    November 11 - World War I ends with the surrender of Germany.
  • 1919

    The Paris Peace Conference was convened to deal with the aftermath of the war and establish a new international order.
  • 1920

    The economy was booming, jazz was popular, and the film and fashion industries were booming.
    The social atmosphere is more open, and the status of women is gradually improving.
  • 1929

    The stock market crashed, triggering a global depression.
  • 1930

    As the Great Depression continued, governments around the world responded with different measures.
    The international situation was tense and fascism was on the rise in Europe and parts of Asia.
  • 1939

    September 1 - Germany invades Poland and World War II begins
  • 1940

    Germany won major victories in Western Europe, including the occupation of most of France.
    Britain successfully defended itself against German air attacks in the Battle of Britain.