Reformation image

The Reformation

  • Jan 1, 1517

    Martin Luther

    Martin Luther
    German Monk who challenged the teachings of the Catholic Church and Attacked the church's practices and beliefs of indulgences.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1517 to

    The reformation

  • Jun 10, 1517

    John Calvin

    John Calvin
    Believed in predestination. The idea that God had chosen who would be condemned or saved was predetermined before birth.
  • Apr 10, 1525

    John Knox

    John Knox
    Took Calvin's ideas and brought them to Scotland where Calvin's ideas became the Presbyterian Church.
  • Thomas Hobbes

    Thomas Hobbes
    Wrestled with natural law and the meaning of government during Englands messy period. Contradicted , "well give up some of our freedom if you(ruler) give us secerity." Hobbes also wrote the Leviatham in 1651. Hated person because of promotion of absolute monarchy.
  • Period: to

    Guillotine fuels the Revolution

    Widespread fear of putting down the opposition of the revolution through the means of Guillotine.
  • Louis XVl

    Louis XVl
    Louis executed for treason.
  • Maximilien Robespeare

    Maximilien Robespeare
    In charge of the committee of public safety. He adopted the conscription all unnamed men 18 and 45 subject to military Semitic. Become known as Reign of Terror.
  • Wilhelm I

    Became the emperor of the throne in Prussia
  • Cecil Rhodes

    Cecil Rhodes
    British business man that started the industrialization and mining of south Africa. Improved transportation system
  • Karl Marx

    Karl Marx
    German Journalist who wrote the book communist marifesto. Explains communist always had two classes of people. The "haves and have not's."
  • Jane Adams

    Jane Adams
    Spoke out for women rights in the U.s wanting equal rights for equal hours and pay upon the state of Chicago.