The Period of Enlightenment (1685-1815)

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    The Period of Enlightenment

    The Age of Enlightment or also known as the The Age of Reason, is the most important time period in Western Civilization. This was a time where the most infuencial scholars, writers, scientists and artists tried to reason with the world of superstition, therefore ideas and principles of Mathematics, Science, Political systems such as democracy on which forever revolutionized Western civilization.
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    Early Enlightenment

  • Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica

    Sir Isaac Newton The philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica is a work in three works by Isaac Newton which was published on the 5th of July 1687. The “principia” consists of Newton’s laws of motion, forming the foundation of classical mechanics.
  • Essay Concerning Human Understanding

    John Locke This essay was a work written by John Locke, concerning the foundation of human knowledge and understanding. He describes various stages of a life, for example, the mind at birth as a blank slate.
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    High Enlightenment

    High Enlightenment 1730-1780 The High Enlightenment is best summed uo by a historian’s summary of Voltaire’s “Philosophical Dictionary: a chaos of clear ideas.” It was an age of enlightened despots like Frdrick the Great who unified rationalised and modernised Prussia.
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    Encyclopedie was a general encyclopedia published in France between 1751 and 1772 with later revised editions being written. It consisted of many different writers known as encuclopédistes nd was edited until 1750 by Denis Diderot.
  • US Declartion of Independance

    US Declaration of Independence (1776) The US Declaration of Independence approved on the 4th of July, which announced that the thirteen independent American colonies, under the British rule would make a separate country, The United States of America.
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    Napolean Bonparte

    Napolean Boneparte He was a French military and political leader who rose to promenince during the French Revolution and also led several successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars.
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    Late Enlightenment

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    French Revolution

    French Revolution (1789) The French Revolution lasted ten years from 1789 until 1799 and was a period of social and political upheaval in France. Napoleon Bonaparte partially carried forward during the expansion of the French Empire.