
The Mongols

  • Mar 3, 1100

    thangs you didnot know about the mongols

    thangs you didnot know about the mongols
    The mongols wher to learn to ride a horse by the age of 3. Most Mongols had keen sights along with evolved visual memories.A Mongol warrior could live without food rations for days. The Mongols carried two types of arrows into the battle. As opposed to our contemporary notions, in most cases the Mongols were actually outnumbered in battles. The Mongols were masters of psychological warfare and spying activities.
  • Mar 3, 1100

    Bad thangs the mongols did

    They mercilessly subjugated the 40-30% of the population that they didn't slaughter under cruel chancellor-like reagents, burned libraries, hospitals, and other nexi of humanity and knowledge.
  • Mar 3, 1100

    good thangs the mongols did

    Trade was facilitated due to their unification of the Silk Road. Killed whole towns. China was thought to have much better technology than Mongolia.
  • Sep 5, 1162

    how the Mongols take china

    how the Mongols take china
    It started with one guy genghis khan how peroved his fighting skills after saving his wife. Aftter he died his land strech over form mongolya to the casper sea(paster, monten, and desert. his ogici Khan(his son) moncka and koogli Khan(his grandsons) expanded even more
  • Mar 3, 1178

    The Mongon army

    The Mongon army
    The army was mostly barbareon. They concherd more land in 25yrs than the romens did in 400yrs. Conchrold more than 11M SQ miles of land.
  • Mar 3, 1180

    the mongols

    the mongols
    learnd to ride hours by 3. The religen of the mongols was shamanism.In the traditional Mongolian family, each son received a part of the family herd as he married.
  • Mar 3, 1184

    echivmens the mongols did

    echivmens the mongols did
    they mad the towns safe as the story goes you could walk with a gold plat on our haed form one side to the next without being robed.the mongols use the useful people to help them such as artes.they alowd different religens.
  • Mar 3, 1195

    inportent land

    inportent land
    Aftter the deth of mr.Kong there was 4 inpoten land the Mongols had. the yaun dinasty, ILkhantae, chagatai khanatae, and golden horde.most of this land is in china.