Middle ages

The Middle Ages

By mklimek
  • 350

    Barbaric Invation

    Barbaric Invation
    Barbarics invaded Rome in search of better places to live. Some Barbarians moved to find better life and others stayed in their conquered land.
  • 476

    The Fall of Rome

    The Fall of Rome
    The fall of Rome marks the beginning of the Middle Ages. In 476 AD emperor, Romulus Augustuls, is deposed by the barbarian general Odoacer. This event marks the end of one period, and the beginning of another.
  • Dec 16, 741

    Muslim invasions halted

    Muslim invasions halted
    Along with the Barbarians, Muslims also decided to conquer land from the south. But Charles Martel stopped them from turn Europe into Islam in 732.
  • Dec 19, 1025

    Poland's First King

    Poland's First King
    After Mieszko the first death Boleslaw Chrobry became the first king of Poland. Thanks to him he united the tribes to beome one and strengthened Poland.
  • Dec 16, 1066

    William of Normandy

     William of Normandy
    William a French Duke, conquers England in the Battle of Hastings, battling the vikings and Alfred. He became King of England and changed the country forever.
  • Dec 16, 1096

    The First Crusade

    The First Crusade
    When the Seljuk Turks rule, they forbid visits to the Holy Land. The Pope calls for a crusade against the Seljuks.
  • Dec 19, 1215

    Magna Carta is signed.

    Magna Carta is signed.
    Rebels oppose King John of England, since there is no king to take his spot the villagers made him sign a document stating that there is no divine right of kings.
  • Dec 19, 1315

    The Great Famine

    The Great Famine
    Whole northern Europe suffered the Great Famine in 1315 which prolonged itself till 1317. During these two years of the great famine, a big portion of the population died of hunger and diseases.
  • Dec 16, 1337

    The Hundred Year War Begins

    The Hundred Year War Begins
    Edward III of England declares war on France. He wants to control France to expand his territory.
  • Dec 16, 1347

    The Black Death.

    The Black Death.
    In 1347 the horrible disease began in Europe. This horrible disease would kill around half of the people in Europe.
  • Jul 15, 1410

    Battle of Grunwald

    Battle of Grunwald
    This was probably the hardest war Poland has ever been in. Poland and czech battled most of Europe because everybody was on Germany's side because they had the cross on there armor and everybody thought they were christians. Poland was greatly outnumbered and they still won because of strategy.
  • Dec 19, 1431

    Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc
    Joan of Arc wins the Battle of Orleans for France during the Hundred Years War.
  • Dec 19, 1440

    The movable type

    The movable type
    Johannes Gutenberg of Germany invents a printing press. thanks to this invention there is no need to copy books by hand anymore. In 1445, the first printed bible was made.
  • Jan 9, 1500

    The Renissance Begin

    The Renissance Begin
    The Renaissance period begins in Europe in the early 1500's. It marks the end of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance was a term coined by Petrarch which means a rebirth of classical Greek and Roman ideals.
  • Charlemagne rules

    Charlemagne rules
    Charlemagne becomes the next Frank King because the crown was passed on by his grandfather Charles Martel. Charlemagne desired to spread Christianity.
  • Charlemagne dies

    Charlemagne dies
    He is crowned "Emperor of the Romans" in 800 by Pope Leo III. His ruling got cut short due to his death in 814
  • Alfred the Great of England rules

    Alfred the Great of England rules
    Alfred the Great defeated the vikings in 878. in 876 he captured london and signed a treaty splitting England into between him and the vikings.
  • Mieszko I marries the queen of Czech

    Mieszko I marries the queen of Czech
    Mieszko the first a polish prince married the queen of Czech symbolizing the beggining of Poland.