The Medieval Period (1066-1485)

  • 1135

    William's son Henry I died

  • 1154

    Anarchy ended.

    Matilda's son Henry Plantagenet took the throne as Henry II.
  • 1215

    Forced to sign Magna Carta.

    Limited royal authority by granting more power to the barons and thus was an early step on the road to democracy.
  • 1295

    Edward I

    Established the inclusion of commoners as well as barons in the council.
  • 1337

    A long struggle between England and France

    Wycliffe's reform efforts took place duringthe Hundred Year's War.
  • 1381

    The Peasants' Revolt

  • 1399

    Richard II's forced abdication

    Broight Henry IV to English throne.
  • 1453

    War ended.

    England had lost nearly all of its French possessions.
  • 1485

    Wars of the Roses

    ended in, when the Lancastrian Henry Tudor killed the Yorkist king Richard III at Bosworth Field and took the throne as Henry VII.