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"The Making of The Atomic Bomb"

  • Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann

    Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann
    They discovered neutron-induced nuclear fission in uranium and thereby opened the field of atomic energy. They both contributed to the team’s recognition of the lighter elements produced from neutron bombardment, which were the result of the splitting of the uranium atom into two lighter atoms.
  • Albert Einstein

    Albert Einstein
    Albert Einstein wrote to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, warning the President about the recent research on fission chain reactions utilizing uranium made it possible that large amount of power could be produced by a chain reaction, and by the using of this power might lead to developing powerful bombs.
  • The Engineers

    The Engineers
    The Army Corps of Engineers establishes the Manhattan Engineer District to develop and build the atomic bomb. Uranium isotope separation facilities are built at Oak Ridge, Tennessee; plutonium production reactors are built at Hanford, Washington; and a weapons laboratory is set up at Los Alamos, New Mexico.
  • Fat Man Bomb

    Fat Man Bomb
    The first fat Man Bomb assembly is completed. It was surrounded by blocks of high explosives that were designed to produce a highly accurate and symmetrical explosion. This would compress the plutonium sphere to a critical density and set off a nuclear chain-reaction.
  • The Little Boy Bomb

    The Little Boy Bomb
    The August 1 was the delivery date for the Little Boy uranium bomb. It was ready for combat. It was the first atomic bomb that would be used as a weapon.
  • President Truman

    President Truman
    The President Truman decided to drop The Little Boy atomic bomb on Hiroshima,Japan. The explosion was huge, the city was destroyed and tens of thousand of people were killed.
  • Fat Man Atomic Bomb Was Dropped

    Fat Man Atomic Bomb Was Dropped
    Fat Man was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan. Again the results were terrible, 70,000 people died, and many of these people were civilians including women and children. Japan surrendered six days after the bombing in Nagasaki, Emperor Hirohito and Japan had surrendered to US forces.
  • Stop Atomic Attacks

    Stop Atomic Attacks
    Leslie Groves reported to the War Department that the next bomb, another plutonium implosion weapon, would be ready for delivery after 18 August. The President Harry S.Truman, however, ordered an immediate stop to atomic attacks while surrender negotiations were ongoing. Truman did not like the idea of killing kids.
  • The Atomic Energy Commission

    The Atomic Energy Commission
    The American nuclear weapons was officially transferred into a civilian hands, with the creation of the Atomic Energy Commission, to manage the development, use, and control of the atomic nuclear energy.
  • Soviet Union The Second Nation to Test its First Nuclear Bomb

    Soviet Union The Second Nation to Test its First Nuclear Bomb
    The second nation to test an atomic bomb was the United States's Cold War rival, the Soviet Union. This development was not unexpected, but the timing was. In August 1953, the Soviet Union tested its first bomb, which used fusion to increase its yield, and in November 1955 the Soviet Union produced its first thermonuclear explosion.