The steam engine was invented by Thomas Newcomen in 1705, this engine is an invention that works by introducing water vapor that caused it to come out upwards, in order to move the machinery. It is an external combustion engine that transforms energy, kinetic and mechanically. This has helped society at that time to be able to move machinery from factories from one place to another, to mills, pumping stations, with ships, locomotives and land vehicles.

    Its inventor was Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit, in the year 1714. This invention is a thermometer that was used to measure the temperature that people had in their body, every time they were sick, it used to take 5 minutes to predict the temperature of each patient. This thermometer was an elongated rod that was put in the lower part of the armpit for a while and the temperature of each one comes out.This was toxic to the nervous system, affected people's memory, hearing, eyesight.

    The diving bell was invented in 1717 by Edmund Halley. This worked in a way in which the diver was seated inside while the bell was pulled from the surface by an apotyo boat, so that the diver could easily recognize the bottom. Excess air escaped through the skirt of the boat. the hood and its interior always had fresh air. This helped society to be able to know the time in which they lived, only by listening to it and without looking at anything.

    Lightning rods were invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1752. This is a metal bar that attracted lightning to other places where there would be no danger, they were 10 meters long, with a copper or platinum tip. They were placed so that the electricity from the lightning would go directly to the earth. At that time, this made it easier for society to have no serious people because of the rays and they would not kill anyone, since they went directly to the plates that Benjamin Franklin had placed.

    The bifocal lens was invented by Benjamin Franklin in 1780. This invention is a pair of glasses that were used to see everything near and far. They worked if a person who had no vision put them on, and could better appreciate their surroundings, people, and to do things. This helped society at that time to compensate for the two different refractive errors, such as presbyopia and myopia in those people who did not have vision in one of the eyes or in both eyes.

    This invention is a power loom, invented by Edmund Cartwright in the year 1785. This works with a mechanized loom system that has a drive shaft. They had a power supply from hydraulic energy, later it was with a steam engine. This facilitated society at that time and continues to do so in the production of fabrics. Before this invention, it was manufactured manually and since it was invented they no longer had to do it by hand, only with the loom.

    The sewing machine was created in 1790 by the British inventor Thomas Saint. It is a sewing machine that is used to sew clothes. His machine was designed to sew leather and fabric, it used only one thread and formed a stitch. The needle is attached to the wheel stem and is driven by the connection that carried the needle up and down. This helped society so that they did not have to do things by hand, or fix them. And simply with a machine they would do it without concern.

    This invention is gas lighting that was created by William Murdock in 1792. He was the first person to find a useful way to use home lighting, he lit his first home with gas. The gas lighting service begins with lighting. At the beginning of the gas distribution, no meters were used, so consumers could only use the gas for a fixed number of hours. This helped society to be able to have lighting in their houses, as long as it would be at night

    This invention was a vaccine against smallpox, it was created by an English doctor of that time named Edward Jenner. This helped the society of that year to avoid more deaths from smallpox, since there were many deaths in that year and century and they could not control it, and thanks to this vaccine the situation improved. It was created to protect people, it helped bodies develop immunity to the smallpox virus. This vaccine does not have a killed form of the virus.

    Lithography was invented by Alphonse Poitevin and is a procedure in which a drawing is made on a stone or on a metal plate. This invention consists of making a design that is made on a stone with pencil or special inks, then an ink is applied to the areas that have been treated. This affected society, demography, due to the fact that since it was invented, all people could write and paint what they liked on a stone or on a plate.