
The History of Singapore

By Keira M
  • Stamford Raffles begins a Trading Post

    Stamford Raffles begins a Trading Post
    Temenggong and Sultan Hussein allowed Stamford Raffles to start a trading settlement in return for an allowance. In the next few years, Singapore got millions of dollars from exports and imports. Singapore expanded rapidly and it attracted many traders and settlers.
  • Johor Singapore Causeway Opening

    Johor Singapore Causeway Opening
    The Johor Singapore Causeway was a bridge that connected Singapore and Malysia. The causeway was 1km long, had railway tracks, and a roadway. The bridge also had water pipelines and flood gates to control the flow of the straits.
  • Singapore Falls to Japan

    Singapore Falls to Japan
    Singapore was attacked by Japan in 1942. Japan and British forces fought on the Malay Peninsula throughout December to January killing many civilians. The British were outnumbered and outgunned and Singapore's main defense weapons were destroyed, so Singapore surrendered.
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
    A Japanese surrender ceremony was held at the Municipal Building of Singapore. General Itagaki signed 11 copies of the Instrument of Surrender for different governments. The Japanese signed copies for the British, American, Dutch, and other countries.
  • Bukit Ho Swee Fire

    Bukit Ho Swee Fire
    The fire in Bukit Ho Swee was one of the biggest fires that occured in Singapore. The fire killed a few people and injured a lot of people. About 100 acres of buildings and 2,800 homes were destroyed with about 16,000 people left homeless.
  • Independence of Singapore

    Independence of Singapore
    When Singapore became part of Malaysia, Lee Kuan Yew and other political leaders complained about equal treatment of all races. Riots started in Malaysia with people getting killed and injured. The Malaysian Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, removed Singapore from the federation to stop people from getting hurt.
  • Establishment of ASEAN

    Establishment of ASEAN
    ASEAN is the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. ASEAN was established by the five original member countries: Singapore, Malaysia, Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. Other countries joined after the establishment of ASEAN.
  • Goh Chok Tong Becomes Prime Minister

    Goh Chok Tong Becomes Prime Minister
    Goh Chok Tong became prime minister of Singapore on November 28, 1990. He took Lee Kuan Yew's place as the second prime minister of Singapore. Goh Chok Tong's ceremony of becoming prime minister was held in the City Hall chamber where he took his oath and received the scroll of appointment.
  • Gardens by the Bay

    Gardens by the Bay
    Bay South, the largest garden in Gardens by the Bay, was opened on June 29 2012. Gardens by the Bay has sculptures, man-made trees, a children garden, and other magnificent attractions. Gardens by the Bay is one of the top sights in Singapore, attracting many visitors.
  • Death of Lee Kuan Yew

    Death of Lee Kuan Yew
    Lee Kuan Yew, the first Prime Minister of Singapore, died at an age of 91. Days later, Lee Kuan Yew's body was placed in the Parliament House. More than 400,000 people queued for 8 to 9 hours to pay their respects to him in the Parliament House.