The History of Nintendo

By ianpavv
  • Founding of Nintendo

    Founding of Nintendo
    Nintendo is a Japanese videogame company that was formed in 1889. They made trading cards until 1983.
  • First Console

    First Console
    The Nintendo Famicom was released in 1983 in Japan.
  • Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is released in U.S.

    Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) is released in U.S.
    The NES, which is just the U.S. version of the Famicom, was released in the U.S.
  • Super Nintendo Released

    Super Nintendo Released
    The Super Nintendo was released in August of 1991 in North America, it released with the very popular game, Super Mario World.
  • Nintendo 64 Released.

    Nintendo 64 Released.
    The N64 was released on September 26, 1996 in North America. The console was launched with Super Mario 64, which is known for revolutionizing 3-d gaming. Another game that was on the console was The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. This is the most popular game in the Zelda franchise, and is considered to be one of the best games ever made.
  • Gamecube release

    Gamecube release
    The gamecube was released on November 18, 2001 in North America. The console had games like Super Smash Bros Melee, and Luigis Mansion.
  • Nintendo Wii

    Nintendo Wii
    The Nintendo Wii was released on November 19, 2006. And the gimick of the system was motion controlled gameplay.
  • Nintendo Switch announced.

    Nintendo Switch announced.
    The Nintendo Switch was revealed on on October 20, 2016. and is set to be released in March of 2017