The History of Motion Picture

  • The Zoopraxiscope

    The Zoopraxiscope
    Edward Muybridge was a photographic pioneer in 1879 when he created the zoopraxiscope. This device projected pictures from a rotating glass disk to give the impression of motion. The images were originally painted and colored by hand, made in 1892-1894.The race horse is the most famous sequence of photographs. With this device people could actually see pictures moving, but they could only watch short clips.
  • The Kinetoscope

    The Kinetoscope
    The Kinetoscope is an early motion picture device. Thomas Edison invented this so one person can watch films at a time through a little hole at the top. This implement introduced an essential approach toward cinematic projection. This provided a new way to view motion picture, but only one person could watch at once an through a small hole.
  • The Cinematograph

    The Cinematograph
    A French developer named Louis Lumiere invented a transportable motion picture camera. It film processes and projects. Most films were about 17 meters long and runs for about 50 seconds when hand cranked. Many people could watch at once, and they were available for showings in Paris. Although it was an amazing invention, you could not even watch a film for a whole minute.
  • The Soundless Movie

    The Soundless Movie
    The first soundless movie was produced by Thomas Edison and was filmed and directed by Edwin Porter. He was an employee for Edison Company. The Great Train Robbery was the first narrative movie that told a story. It was only 12 minutes long, but the making of the movie was a major milestone in film making history. This created many jobs for people as actors.
  • The First Feature Length Film

    The First Feature Length Film
    The first feature length film with sound had only music and effects but later evolved to dialogue. The first movie film presented with dialogue was The Jazz Singer. Amplification and recording had poor quality, but this led to a rapid expansion in the film industry. These films were originally projected in Paris but later became a global phenomenon .
  • Using Microphones

    Using Microphones
    In 1930, Nice White Show Girl in Hollywood was filmed by First National Pictures. It was the first film to use microphones. However, they had orchestras playing offstage but if one person messed up, then they would have to restart. Besides that, this was a big step toward motion picture today with sound that everyone loves and enjoys.
  • Color Television

    Color Television
    In 1950, color television was introduced. It was a big improvement that allowed people to watch TV and movies in color instead of black and white. Although many people did not have color television because it was very costly, so most broadcasts were in black and white for years after. Color sets were also very big and bulky and have to be anchored in one place. Even though this had taken a long time to come around, it gave people a whole new perspective on future motion picture.
  • Modern Film

    Modern Film
    By 2010, films were made so you can buy and watch them at home. Most modern movies are now available in 3D. With 3D movies, people can feel like they are there when the movie takes place. The only bad part about #d films, not only can it hurt, but damage your eyes.